What are the different stages of matter?
How do you get from one to the next?
What is matter made of?

Well, don’t worry if you didn’t know the answer to those questions. Because when I started this unit I didn’t know either. This unit in science we learned about the kinetic molecular theory. I know, I know, it sound pretty crazy and fancy and confusing, at first it kind of is, but once you get moving it actually isn’t so bad. My last post was about math, The Door is Bore No More, it fits into the same category as this post, scimathics. Scimathics is a class we take in PLP where it combines science and mathematics together. Sometimes we do science, sometimes we do math, but sometimes we actually do both, mix them together. I thought I would just let you know about that since I forgot to last time. Anyway, back to the subject. We learned a little bit about atoms and particles as well as matter before we got into a project, but after a little bit of background knowledge, we got into it pretty quick. The project we did was the MIGHTY MOLECULAR MOVIE!! We had to create a movie/video about the different stages of matter and how to get back and forth between them. I learned simple concepts like matter makes up everything or that the four different matter forms are solid ❄️, liquid💧, gas💨, and plasma💥. But we went further with it, we learned about how to get from one stage of matter to the other. For example a liquid to a solid is called freezing. We did this whole video in partners, my partner was Lucy, click here to check out her blog! Lucy and I decided to do a stop motion video mixed normal film of me dressed up as a scientist.

The app we used is called Stop Motion. We were allowed to choose anything we wanted to be our particles and we decided to use coconuts.

After we had gotten all of the film we needed for stop motion, we started taking videos of me dressed up as a scientist! It was so awesome, I got to wear safety goggles and a real lab coat! Once we finished this part, what we had to do was combine the stop motion and the videos. We did this in iMovie. TAAAA DAAAA!! We finished here it is 👇👇

From this unit I learned sooo much about particles and atoms which I didn’t really understand at all before. I had a lot of fun learning all of this and making a video, but it was also full of knowledge which was really interesting to learn as well.

~ Jordyn 😁