Run, A story of leaf noises, a mediator and PLP,

Hey guys! Today I’m back with another blog post. Today I’m talking about my PLP 9 Maker project for October and November about a short film called “Run!”.


We started this project right after our first project, the mini-projects in our Alberta ( Our ghost town videos and a 1-minute long video at the Royal Terrell Museum ). Our first task was a personality test to see which of the 16 personalities we were. I found out I’m a mediator! After that, we created a short writing piece on how our personality would help or affect or learning.

We later joined into our groups, I was with ally and Julia as selected by Ms. Maxwell. Our first task was to create a screenplay for the short film recreation, ( you can find the video here ). We finished the script as a group.


With the next two assignments, we really went into pre-production as we finished our storyboards and our call sheets. We used keynote to create the storyboard as it was easy to use and was implemented for group work. The call sheet was easy as it was similar to filling out paperwork and finding times and places to film!


Production was a fairly easy job due to scheduling, and how it occurred. We came together to film when we had available time and for 30 – 45 mins. I was in the costume of the main character of the short (track pants, sweatshirt, toque )and Julia played the monster which was an easy role. We were able to pull it off!

Post Production

One of the hardest parts of post-production was editing it to look exactly like the short. We had to get everything down which had different aspects. I was the sound editor, Ally was the editor and Julia was doing the titles. we created a first draft which had some minor issues, here they are.

  • The video was about 20-30 seconds over the original video, so we had to make it precise.
  • The sound effect had to be in-house, so we could just overlap the original videos audio or use 3rd party audio.
  • some shots had the camera too far back, so we had to adjust that.

So we got to work re-filming (the easy part) and then doing the audio (slightly less easy). film the clips were simple, while with the audio we had to manually record sounds of leaves crunching. Since I had the best microphone, they used my microphone and I uploaded it to be edited in.

After all the editing here we have the Final Project!


 Well, it’s time to reflect on this project, let’s start by answering the driving question, What technology, tools and strategies can we use to create short film? Well we can use many things but the big ones are the filmmaking process (story boarding, scriptwriting and filming), the iPad, the Location and how you use your creative constraints.

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