Exploration and Pirates

Argh, matey. We were learning about the age of exploration and piracy and the long lasting affects of it today. We used AR maker to help tell a story about the age of exploration.

To start off the project we watched this movie called Captain Philips which is about modern day piracy of the coast of Somalia. While we were watching the movie, we were thinking about three things: Their worldview, what we notice about the pirates, and how both sides show leadership. After the movie was finished we did a questionnaire about different parts in the movie.

The goal of this project was to answer our driving question “What was the impact of global exploration?” To show our answer we made a video with AR maker and told a story about global exploration. We worked with cause and consequence to help us with the base of our story, We also used the story spine to help come up with the stepping stones of our story. We made drawings in Keynote to help enhance our story.

In milestone 1, we made a short story that uses cause and consequence. I made a story about a dinosaur who got famous becasue of her art. In this milestone I showed that I understand the competency of analyzing cause and consequence by competing a chart. By telling the story and showing the undying and immediate causes and consequences.

Here is my story about Elly:


In milestone 3, we made a story spine to begin telling our final story. We worked on the competency discussing, listening and speaking. By doing the story spine I showed that I can exchange ideas to build shared understanding.

With the finished story spine we created our final stories. Here is mine: Age Of Exploration Story

Throughout the whole project we listened to lectures and took notes about the age of exploration and piracy. We used these notes to get our final product. When we got our final story approved we started coming up with ideas for our drawings. After we had our drawings finished we put then in AR maker which is an augmented reality app. We filmed our stories in AR maker, then we recorded our stories overtop. We then posted them to YouTube. You can check out mine here:

To celebrate our finish to the project we got pirate packs from White Spot!

Now that I am finished this project I can answer the driving question. The impact of global exploration is almost everything. From the food we eat to the jobs we have and the way we live our life. I enjoyed learning about pirates and exploration. Thanks for reading!


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