The Student Blogging Challenge for week 6 is all about emojis. We had to choose 3 out of the 4 possible tasks to write about. The tasks I chose to complete were the emoji math, emoji guessing game and emoji art.

Task 1: The first task is emoji math. Emoji math is when you set a number value to an emoji but don’t tell the audience. Then you create problems with only emojis to see if people can figure out the value of the emojis. The last question you should have to answer for real though! For this task, I created my own emoji math. Comment below your answer!

Task 2: For task 2 I chose to create an emoji guessing game. In this game you have to look at the emojis and decipher what they mean together. For example honeymoon would be 🍯 🌙. The theme for my emoji guessing game is famous actors. As a disclaimer this particular emoji guessing game is really hard so don’t get super frustrated. It’s also a game of knowledge so if you don’t know any actors this isn’t for you. None the less you should still give it a try as it is a great activity to boost your brain! Always remember to just have fun as this is a game. Once again, post your answers in the comments section below! 

Task 3: For task 3 I chose to create some emoji art! Emoji art is all about creating an artistic masterpiece while only using emojis. It’s kind of like a challenge. You can create anything, from a beach scene to someone hiking a mountain. It’s all up to you. My emoji art is is all about a beach scene! It portrays 2 people walking along the beach wile a surfer rip along the waves. It shows a beautiful sun and a stray beach ball being blown in the wind!