I have a small problem involving guinea pigs. I really want 2! I’m positive that I would take good care of them, and never forget them. I’ll update this post with pictures and hopefully names of my possible futur guinea pigs.
Some links fellow guinea pig lovers will love!
Guinea pig Spa Day!
Update: April 5th, 2020. I’M GETTING GUINEA PIGS!
Update: August 4th, 2020. I just got back from the trip me and my family went on. Tomorrow, I will apply for 2 adorable guinea pigs named Jan and Cindy!
Update: August 5th, 2020. I just applied for Jan and Cindy, and the people at Country Side Kennels have responded. They asked me to ask my parents to fill out an application form for Jan and Cindy as I am a minor. It looks promising!
Update: August 8th, 2020. The place said we could get them! Guinea pigs will be at our house by the end of the next 2 weeks!