Ethan’s outlined body becomes Mark Anotony

So our latest project was to create a full size “Mark Antony”. We had to trace one of our group members body in a pose that we thought represented Marcus Antonius onto a massive piece of paper. Ethan volunteered. Once that very tedious task was over we had to then research what we didn’t know about him, which was Mark Anotony. With research completed we had to then place it in strategic areas on “Mark Antony’s” body.


On his head is pretty much his birth certificate. Date and Place of Birth and death, his full name etc etc. His arm tells us how he served Julius Caesar as a commanding general. The pyramids and the coliseum represent how he and Cleopatra the 7th were lovers.


The symbol on his shoulder represents the power of love, this is of course about Cleopatra and his family.. Over where his heart should be are details about his family and friends and how we was very passionate but also reckless and powerful. Now I know we were supposed to put minimal words but we put a paragraph anyways. This paragraph describes more about his association with Julius Caesar and his job as general.


On his legs it tells us about how his brutish and overbearing personality plagued him in situations his entire life.

I definitely would not have been interested in researching Mark Antony or anyone for that matter, from the story of Julius Caesar before this project. And at the end of it, I’m still not.


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