An average post about New France

Hello, and welcome to my final humanities blog post until grade 9. In this project, we looked at New France, and how artifacts can tell stories through time.

Milestone 1: In this milestone we chose an object that could, in 100 years represent this pandemic and physical distancing. I chose a pillow from my room because it represents a large aspect of home and we know we’ll be here for a while.

This is the pillow I chose

Milestone 2: In milestone 2, we created our story’s main character. My character took a lot of thought, especially in the story itself.

Here’s the card I created to tell you about my character.

Milestone 3: In the last milestone I explained my character, now I get to explain the artifact that will appear in my story. My artifact is not an arrowhead that actually exists but one to represent what they were at the time of New France.

This is my artifact (ignore the cringe name)

Milestone 4: This was the first draft of our story. I wont show it here because I want you to red the whole thing in milestone 5.

Milestone 5: Now, you probably already know, but this is my story. You can read it by clicking the PDF below

Competency time!

Communicate: this competency was focused on sharing ideas with various media. I think that the story is the main exhibit of this but overall this whole project has shown this skill and I think that I have done pretty well at it.

Us evidence from various sources: This competency was about making sure all of your information is true. Although the stories our class created relied heavily on creativity, we have used real information regarding the artifacts and other aspects of this project. I think that I have fact checked all of the information there was on First Nations arrowhead to make sure that all of it was true.


Thanks for reading this far! Until next year!

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