An average post about a weird exhibition

So far, 2020 has been a train wreck. And we need to keep on moving despite that, and this was one of things that came from that.

Spring Exhibition 2020

This exhibition was different, there’s no question there. And for a while, there was no ideas for how to make the exhibition happen. Then, we started using Zoom for online classes and began learning all the great features it has. Anyway, onto the explanation of my groups project/s

When we were told that the exhibition would be held on zoom, we were all confused. But we didn’t have to worry too much, because our amazing teachers were there for us! They had a plan set up and if we got stuck on something they gave us some ideas to kick start our brains.

Anyway we were given a choice of the 14 UN’s sustainability goals. Although my group was focused on water (goals 6 and 14) my project was more about goal 12. Goal 12 was about responsible consumption.

My project idea was a more sustainable shower head to reduce water waste. My product was designed for most people around the world who I’ve in areas with accessible fresh water who want to be more sustainable with no extra effort on their part. Just put on the shower head and your saving water!

Here’s a rough idea of what the product would look like.

Our preparations for the exhibition were all over the place. We were struggling at the beginning for inspiration then we thought of some small ideas for the presentation of our projects and they just kept rolling out. We decided on having a short quiz in which we would ask questions regarding the specific problems we were addressing with our products. But before that, we needed an introduction, and what better way to start off a presentation about water than swimming onto camera! We had an intro to the problems with the sustainability goals our group worked on and an outro saying some things you can do to help the issues yourself.


I hope that you reading this will take steps in the future or already are taking steps to prevent ocean pollution, water waste, and sanitization issues around the world. Until next year!


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