3,2,1…L.A.U.N.C.H! 🚀

Now that DI is done, we have started a new unit featuring the L.A.U.N.C.H. Cycle. This is a creative process where you brainstorm ideas, ask questions, create a prototype and then test it! This cycle, whether by a different name or a slightly different variation, has been used for pretty much every famous invention. The process uses the acronym L.A.U.N.C.H which makes the cycle easier to remember.

L – Listen, Look, Learn

The cycle begins with the usual brainstorming and learning new ideas and observations.

A – Ask Questions

After you’ve brainstormed, it’s time to get curious and ask questions! Questions could take form as surveys or graphs which aid you with the creation of your prototype.

U – Understand Ideas

Now that you have an idea of what people want or prefer, understand what they want and use the information towards your invention.

N – Navigate Ideas

Turn your ideas and brainstorm towards one main idea that you wish to try! Start to narrow down your ideas and come up with one great prototype.

C – Create a Prototype

Now that you have some final ideas, it’s time to create! Or as Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus would say, take chances, make mistakes and get messy!

H – Highlight and Fix

After testing your prototype, it’s time to fix anything or make changes. Once this is done, the cycle repeats!

This video I’ve attached below further explains the cycle in more detail. ⤵️

For this L.A.U.N.C.H. project, we were put into groups to create a sport using at least four of the following materials:

– A ball

– Five cups

– Two Rackets

– A roll of Ducht Tape

– Balloons

– Some string

With four or more of these materials, my group, Aedan, Fraser, Paisley and I had to create a sport that we would share with the class. To begin this, we brainstormed ideas and did a bit of research on what makes a sport exciting or boring. From this, we did a survey with the entire class to ask questions to get an idea of what our audience wants and prefer. From there, we played with some of the materials to get ideas on what we could do with them. It was then time to gather some main ideas and create a prototype. We decided to use the cups as they were the perfect size to hold the ball. The racket came in handy too to hit the ball longer distances and the ducht tape was great to outline the court. Because we caught the ball with the cup, we decided to name the sport ice cream ball.

Ice cream ball consists of three players per team (not including subs) two of which have cups and one with a racket. This video below has all the rules and explains how to play our sport!⤵️

Now that the actual sport was created, it was time to try it out. Each group had to teach another group how to play the sport. We had a great time sharing, playing and getting to try out new sports. Some of which were really cool!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Ice cream ball is a fun yet simple sport that you can try with some friends! Give it a try! You’ll love it!

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