💫Just My Life💫

~A single smile could change a life~


If you ask me about this year I would say it has been a roller coaster so far, goods, bads, laughs, cries, and so many other emotions but I am not going to say there was no warning because there was. I remember sitting in the back of the library at every meeting leading up to this day , and there was one thing Mrs. Willemse would repeat at every single meeting… she would say “each and every one of you in this room is going to cry at least once in this journey.”

Starting PLP was different of course, its high school nothing is the same anymore. Looking back elementary school was slightly similar but also very different, the work loads are different and teaching styles are also different, the way I look at it different is nor easy or hard, i would explain it as the medium between both. Depends on how you handle your work if you procrastinate like me or get it done right away like others. I am admitting that I procrastinate because I know it’s bad and I am working on fixing my procrastination issues, but I also know you guys know I procrastinate, and thats why I am telling you again because i know how I can fix it.

Looking past the procrastination, I have still managed to get projects finished and in, some of them even posted. I cannot list the number of projects I have handed in because it would just take too much time, so instead I am going to share some of our biggest projects we have done this year. I am going to start by talking about the projects then I am going to show some of the main projects from the year.

The first project we did that stood out from this school year so far was our advertisement unit. We started off in deep cove, each group got to select a business that had a store in deep cove. We were to contact the stores right away and ask if we could interview them to create an add, our group chose Cafe Orso we called in and they told us the owner wouldn’t be available, but they had another worker of high authority we could talk to. So we decided that we would talk to them and see how we could make the best suitable add for their business, they told us what they wanted and we took that into note, we went home with it and each of us made an add that was suitable, then we made another where we collaborated the best parts of each one. After we finished that last ad our entire class took a field trip to go to an ad agency and learned a bit more about target audiences and and how to catch the public’s eye and stuff like that. So after that we went back and finished our very last draft.
This project continued into our Oregon trip we took, we got assigned new groups and new business. We were to do the same thing we did with our deep cove businesses except this time we had a better overlook on what to do and ask, but we also had less time to do so.

The second biggest project was a unit on earthquakes and tsunami’s in our Scimatics class, we had to mark major earthquakes on a map, then read an article called “the really big one”, summarize it and answer a package of questions. We also got to pick a earthquake and/or a tsunami to research and write a summary about that would answer the five or six questions we received from our teacher.

The third biggest project we worked on was intertidal life. This project started with a novel study we did, the book was called “The Highest Tide.” This book is about a boy who casually walks the beach commonly and looks at intertidal life and finds “new” creatures. He tells his story in detail and runs into problems and more. So we went to Oregon to learn about intertidal life and get a hands on experience as well, this was a fun and adventurous trip and I think I speak for all of us when I say Fred Myers was one of our best stops!

The fourth biggest project we worked on was our worldview/religion unit. (I think this may have been our biggest unit so far.) This unit followed our own world views and other worldview from different prospectives following a couple different big religions such as Islamic, Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. We got to learn a lot about each of the following religions, and we also got a chance to go to the destinations where the people of each religious beliefs practice their holy text etc. After all of the field studies again like every other project you have heard about (and/or will hear about for the rest of the year) we were assigned groups. Shortly after we were assigned our groups we also got assigned a religion, my group got assigned Buddhism, which was exciting because Buddhism is one of the religions I was most excited to learn about in this unit. We went over several poster drafts to get the final perfect poster, and we went through about four to five drafts for our photo documentary, and finally came the day we were to present our work at the winter exhibition which you can read more about here.

The fifth and final unit I am enjoying is the unit that we are currently working on in Scimatics its based on living things and cells. I am excited to be getting into this unit because I really like medical topics and I find it interesting to learn what is behind all of the objects we see on the day to day basis, seeing some things way to small for the human eye to see. This unit is not over yet so I don’t have to much to say about my learnings but when I do finish you are welcome to ask about it if you please.

Thank you so much for reading my presentation and here is my finale, some pictures from my projects I have told you about. (Including drafts, final’s and more.)

To finnish off here my final question is how do you think PLP has effected me as a person?

Lauren • January 22, 2019

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