Kamagata Maru


Today I will be making this blog about the kamagata maru incident back in 1914. This is a well known incident that occurred and you most likely have heard of it, but to summarize there was a law in Canada that made it so that you had to travel to Canada in 1 continuous journey from point A (South Asia) to point B (Canada). This was basically to stop immigration and was an early example of systemic racism in the 1900’s. The Kamagata Maru knew this when they departed but instead of following that rule they wanted to test it and in the end protest it. In the end it was a 3 month journey to canada and then a tree month wait in the ports without getting access into Canada. After a six month period from leaving for Canada, the ship was lead out of the place they were anchored by the Canadian military in July and made to return back to Budge-Budge, India where 19 of the people on board were killed by gunshots when getting off the ship and more people were put into prison.

The importance of the apology is a formal acknowledgment by the promise of BC that we did not live up to our ideals. As reflected in motion of apology “the house deeply regrets that the passengers, who sought refuge in our country and our province, were turned away without benefit of the fair and impartial treatment befitting a society where people of all cultures are welcomed and accepted.” And this resulted in tragedy for s lot of people. 

The legacy is some of the policies that Harper put in place to help support immigrants and by formally acknowledging the tragedy it opens up the opportunity for remembrance such as this Kamagata Maru the opportunity for the legacy to live on in other forms such as the remembrance museum website. 

The Kamagata Maru incident has been remembered through the website there is plaque in coal harbour and the Kamagata Maru museum at the Khalsa Diwan Society.

in conclusion the kamagata maru incident has and will help us learn from our mistakes with systemic racism so we can move forward with equal opportunities for everyone despite your background, skin colour, gender or religion.

Think you can do better?


This blog post is a reflection on the most recent project in PLP and the first project of grade 10. If you’ve been following along with my previous posts, then you know we have been working on a political party to run in the Canadian election. My group included Johnathan, Jordan and Keenan. We named our party the Hippopotamus Party of Canada and we based our campaign on the housing crisis in Canada. The housing cost in Canada has spiked to its highest point and it is harder than ever to get a home in populated places such as Vancouver and Toronto.

For those of you who haven’t seen the previous posts, or for those who want to watch it again, here is our campaign.

I really enjoyed making this video, especially the coming up with ideas part. the whole goal of our video was to be as professional as possible without actually being professional hence the shorts and a suit top. it was really funny to come up with crazy ideas with my friends for what we could do with our video. while we couldn’t put in all the ideas we chose some of the best ones to use on our video. Overall I would say that with only an hour and a half of filming and an hour and a half of editing we did a pretty good job with making a fun video about a new Canadian political party.

I think we could have improved on managing our time more wisely. while we did complete the video and we did do a good job of it, I think that managing our time better would have led to us having more shots that weren’t rushed so we could have better quality.

in working through the creation of our political party we realized that a lot of parties don’t actually pay attention to the bigger issues and instead focus on the ones that will get them elected. the only way to change this is if we the people demand that our political parties put forward larger scale and longer term detailed plans on how they will address larger issues that have a bigger impact on the day to day life of Canadians over the longer term. It is easy to use buzz words and hot button issues to convince people to vote for you, but as we learned earlier in the year and I discussed in my post ‘Politics In Canada’,  politicians say a lot of things that they will never follow through on and do. Only when the people demand real solutions instead of fancy words, and hold our politicians accountable to follow through on promises will things really change.