My mid year presentation of Learning 2024 🧩

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and…

DI regionals blogpost 💭

These past few months have been quite chaotic as Destination Imagination put everyone’s capabilities and skills to the test. Through this process unlike any other, I developed and expanded various skills. Skills like communication, collaboration, problem solving, and time management were used throughout the process….

What The Heck Is A Frankenstuffie?

These past few weeks I had the opportunity to build, create, and write a story unique to me. I learned about effective writing and how to convey a direct message to an audience. Through this project we had to create a Frankenstuffie made up from…

Winter exhibition | 2023 

Another year another exhibition, a time for learning, experiencing, and reflecting. This Winter exhibition really put me to the to the test, and pushed my capabilities. I learned a lot about myself, and what situations I work well in  and situations that I don’t. This…

“Thrill Us! – A Short Film Reflection”

Making a movie in one week sounds hard. Making a two-minute movie in one week sounds easy, but it really wasn’t. My group, Alex, Syd, Mika, and I, all had to come up with an original idea for a thriller movie and then compose it…

Take Your Kid To Work Day! 💼

This past Wednesday I had the amazing opportunity to go with my dad to work. I learned about his job and what his schedule looks like almost every day. My dad just like many other people works at a desk all day. That is all…

A Reflection Of My Trip In Western Canada- As Told By Me 🏔️

Did I learn anything? The short answer is yes. Yes I did learn, a lot actually. I was lucky to have the opportunity to travel around Western Canada with my class and explore British Columbia’s and Albertas natural beauty. I learned about the significance of…

Videos, Videos And More Videos,- My Trip To Alberta

Through this Maker project I learnt how to tell a story through moving image. I embarked on a creative journey through western Canada improving my skills to tell a story through moving image. I am quite familiar with the concept of still image but not…