About me



I love all sports, ever since I was 4 years old I have played them. Over the years I have dropped some of them but as of now I play hockey, golf, and baseball.

I play all three sports at a provincial level and I don’t plan on stopping. I also enjoy watching football, hockey, and baseball. As much as it seems like sports are all my life at times I do have passions in other genres. I have always loved to solve problems and ask questions.

Enjoying learning about the sciences is a passion that I still have with me today.

Lately I have been very passionate about graphics and over the summer I have been perfecting my skills with graphics. The program I use for my graphics is Photoshop CS6 by adobe on the MacBook Air. 

I still have tons to learn but I am quite happy with the way I have improved and I feel that I can use my skills in a more practical sense at school. The artwork on the top of my blog is an example for when I can use my skills for work. I really hope I can both improve my skills with experience this year by using in projects.

About Me Project

The goal of this project was to create a new about me page for my blog. I needed to use Keynote by Apple, using their animations, slides, and transitions, garageband music, voice overs and some personal touch. I needed to create a meaningful and intriguing video that would the centerpiece of my about me page. The first step was to choose the icons that are meaningful to me to creative ways of placing them on the head of the slide. I chose these 10 objects as to maximize the ratio of clutter to meaning. As for choosing some of the objects I did I’d like to explain a few more in depth.


I choose the ribbon because I have a very competitive personality. I am always one to enter a competition and give it my all just so I can compete with others. The ribbon represents the drive to win and top the competition. Although I let out the majority of competitive energy in sports I do always have that competitive when I work at school. The reason I choose to put the ribbon where I did was because it is always in my eyes, always front of my mind.


I choose to represent my unknown future with a path. I don’t know where I will end up in my life and I think the path disappearing into the distance is a very intriguing and deep way of saying I may be able to see a little into my future but what lies beyond is unknown. I chose to place the image the farthest away from my brain because it is so illogical.



This was a very abstract symbol and I tried to generalize how I like to think of strange and interesting ideas. Most of the time my thoughts are ideas are quite different than the norm and I thought a nuclear symbol could be a good parallel to it. The nuclear symbolizes power and destruction, and even though my ideas don’t cause destruction, I think it does symbolize the ideas I create

Finishing touches

Now that I had all my objects created it was time to polish it into an intriguing presentation. After thinking for quite some time I concluded that I should try to keep the animations fast moving so that it best represents my very busy life. To balance out the fast moving animations, I decided to have really slow tempo music. I think that balance of speed and tempo makes an ideal feeling when listening to it. To add a bit of transition I decided to fade in from black and to fade out to black. Last but not least i used a canadian flag in the background to show that I am proud of my origins in Canada. Now without further ado my pictorial infographic representing me.

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