Steampunk November!

Steampunk is a sub genre of sci-fi that uses 19th century inspired machinery and technology to create an aesthetic design. The sub-genre goes into Victorian England and predicts what the world would be like today if its inhabitants and inventors prevailed over modern technology. Some of its most evident characteristic’s are exposed wires, gears, metal, copper, […]

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Brinton’s Theory

In humanities we have started a new course called metaphor machines, this course is based on revolutions. In case you didn’t know a revolution is an *overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. It’s basically just and uprising. Anyway we have started studying this […]

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Math + Fun = Funth

In math we have been learning about exponents and fractions, for this course we started a new project, in this project we had to make a card game that had around 52 cards, had proper card art, and used math to propel the game. When Mr. Gross first announced this new project I knew exactly […]

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Frankensuffie Fun

Since we got back from our Calgary trip we have been working on a new project. Project Frankensuffie. This project is meant to explain the matter cycles and evolution of creatures. Here is the basis of the project, our task for this project was to create an interesting short film that illustrates the adaptation of […]

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A Day On The Job

Yesterday was take your kid to work day, A day where Grade 9’s come to work with one of their parents, Yesterday I went to my Dad’s work, my dad is the executive director of Youth Unlimited in the lower mainland. Youth Unlimited helps young people discover their potential. From prevention to helping kids on the […]

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