The land is part of our identity (Introduction post)

Hello there, this is my first grade 9 post. Enjoy.

The first thing we did was to think the question below.

Driving Question: How does land impact our identity?

The diverse geography of the Lower mainland allows so many outdoor activities. This makes for a great number of Lower Mainland residents to be really active. It’s a different lifestyle where you can be outside all year contrary to Inner Canada or Alberta (were I used to live) where for a few months it’s to cold to be outside for too long.

The main project of this part of the unit was to make a video about how land impacts our identity.

We made a video about Deep Cove and identity. By the way, I star in it. In my group were Aedan and Kiera.

When you think of “identity” you usually don’t think about how the land around you will impact identity. In this project we realized how important the geography of where you live is in your life and identity.