Hello, welcome back to my blog! I am back and will be talking about the last project of the year. This project was for Scimatics and it was based on cells and diseases. The goal was to create a comic book about a specific disease, or bacteria and write about how cells interact with it. I chose to do the bacteria Salmonella, I talked about what happens when it enters the body, and what cells they interact with.Β 

Driving Question:

The Driving Question for this project was β€œHow do cells and diseases interact” so I answered this in my comic when I showed the bacteria running into the Epithelial cells. I also answered this when I showed how the cells kept most of the bacteria out and what happens when they get past.Β 

Milestone 1:

As you probably know we start off almost every scimatics project with a MindMap and we did again for this project so here is mine. My MindMap includes what I knew about diseases and cells before we started, as well as questions I hadΒ so go check that out down below.

Milestone 2:

Then after we finished the MindMap we moved on to Milestone 2, creating a wanted poster. For this you have to find a disease or bacteria that you could possibly use for your comic, but if you wanted to do a different disease or bacteria for your comic you could. So I created a poster on the app Canva about the Bacteria Salmonella. I think it turned out very good, one thing I could have done differently was added more information about the bacteria, and put more effort into the drawing but other then that I’m happy with how it turned out.

Milestone 4 and 5:

These Milestones are when everything started coming together. For Milestone 4 we had to complete our storyboard for our comic. This is where I needed all of my research and ideas. In my storyboard I drew little sketches of the drawings that I would be in my final comic, I also wrote the script and the scene for each box. After I completed the storyboard I started Milestone 5, which is my good copy of the comic. We all made our comics in an app called Comic Life 3. This app was really good as it kept everything organized and neat. I am really happy with how my comic turned out and I hope you enjoy reading it!Β 


  • Storyboard page 2

Final Comic Book

Curricular Competencies:Β 

Questioning and Predicting:

I think I did a pretty good job with this competency because I used mostly all my class time to learn about Salmonella and to create the actual comic book. There were times when I was stuck and could not find the correct information that was needed so I had to spend some time at home researching. An example of me getting stuck on the researching part is when I was trying to search what happens when the Salmonella bacteria enters your body but after lots of searching I finally found a what I was looking for.

Scientific Communication:

Right off the bat I will say that I could have definitely spent way more time researching more vocabulary to use in my comic. I had a few correct vocabulary words like the correct cell names, and the labels that I used on my diagrams but that was about it. I did add 2 diagrams though, one of the bacteria entering the body (where it enters), and another small one of just what the symptoms are and where they’re located. Β 


This competency I did a pretty good job on but there’s some things I could have done better. I mentioned the symptoms multiple times and had the bacteria interacting with the cells many times. I could have actually said what its called when the bacteria gets past the Epithelial cells if there is a word for it. But other then that I think I did a very good job.

In the end I tried my best to complete this project, there were many bumps along the way but I hope you enjoyed reading this post and I hope you enjoyed my final comic.Β 

P.S-I am really happy with how the drawings came out and I spent lots of time on them.