Creating a review, writing a review, may seem like just saying whether you liked the book, movie etc.. or not. But PLP 9 dove deep into what it actually means to write a review, how to write a review, why you should write a review, basically we took apart the aspects of writing a review. So after all these tests, and assignments and stepping stones, what better way to learn how to write a review, actually writing one. I reviewed the move “Episode IV: A New Hope”, the first released movie in the franchise of Star Wars. I thought it would be a good movie to review, hence we are learning about the Hero’s Journey through Star Wars in school.

My group consists of 6 wonderful people: Alex , Jude, Emily, Gabe,  Anders and Anthony and we are turning the Seycove library into the Death Star, shown to the public on December 19th, 2019 for the Winter Exhibiton.

All this talk about my review, why not read it?


What’d you think? Do you feel the same way? Do you agree? Or would you like to give me feedback and critique? Well I encourage you to let me know in the comments! It would be a great help to me if you did.
