On Another Note…

Recently in school (or out of school) students have had to adapt their learning because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We here in PLP are better situated for this turn of events but we have also had to shift our learning from the classroom to digital mediums. This means no in person classes, field schools or anything with real group contact. This doesn’t mean we can’t still create awesome blog posts with great artifacts though. In our meeting times we have been working on race and everything to do with it. This weeks meeting times involved looking at what racism means and getting a sense for how race and the idea of racism impacts the world everyday.

all of our assignments for this unit will have little criteria on what the product is, only that it sends a certain message or idea. This time was to create an artifact focused on two learning competencies:

Connect – How do I understand my own and others’ personal connection to texts I read, listen, and view?
Analyze Cause and Consequence – Who or what influenced events to occur and what were the consequences of those events?

For this I have created a short book highlighting some of the most important American black musicians since around 1900. Each page will have pictures and a short description of another black musician chronologically from 1900 – today. I hope you enjoy reading the book and make sure to social distance!

Musical impact (download link)



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