Spring exhibition

For the final school related blog post of this year (I hope to make a few blog posts this summer.) I will be talking about the spring exhibition or more specifically blue sky. Just to start off I have to say blue sky was one of my favourite projects this year.

Now its time to actually start talking about specifics. When we first started this project we were given a launch journal to keep track of everything we had done. I found this quite helpful because I knew we would have to make this blog post and I also knew that the launch journal would make that a lot easier. 

The first thing we had too do in this project was the section look listen learn. In this section we had to do a few tasks. The first one was we had to come up with a few things that bothered us that we wish we could have changed ex. The biggest issue facing our school is vaping. The second task was we had to come up with some other challenges that face our earth for example seniors fall victim to tech support scams usually because of lack of knowledge. The final task was we had to come up with some products for example you can modify a sphero to make it a kind of dog toy.

The next part I actually forgot to do so I’m just going to skip to the how might me for how might we we had to make a statement then answer it for example How might we fit all of the electronics in a ball that’s small enough for a dog A: I plan on modifying a sphero which already has the right sized electronics to make what I want.

For the next page of the launch journal is the ask section. For the ask section we had to do two things a need to know chart and an action plan. For the need to know chart we had to say what we needed to know and how we would find that out for example does it have to fully work then the next step would be ask the teacher. For action plan we had to look at all of the steps and things we had to finish and put a date we wanted it done by for example I will put my chart right under this.

For one of the most important parts but my least favourite because we had to do a ton of writing drum roll… the pitch form. For the pitch we had to to explain seven things those are  an introduction, rationale, research, materials, plan, exhibition, and client. If you want more specifics here’s the actual pitch form.

For the understand section we had to do two things our primary sources and secondary sources for that I did a survey and looked at some tool. What I learned from that survey is people and I kinda agreed about the idea which was that the ball would go fast it would be bright coloured ext. here’s the survey.

This part of the book was the thing we had to do just before we got approved to create. For this section we had to bundle all of our ideas then sort through them I sorted mine into my ideas ideas from the survey and then there was another section for after I got rid of ideas that wouldn’t work which was called ideas that survived the culling. After I handed in this page I had to make a few changes before I was ready to create.

Once I was ready was ready to create I had to do the create stage of our launch journal where we had to do two things rapid prototyping and live prototyping sadly due to being not smart and screwing up I didn’t get the second part done but I can’t dwell on that. For rapid prototyping I made a 3d model of what I wanted to make which was a shell for a sphero to make it more dog friendly. The second rapid prototype was the actual code to make the sphero move around random so the dog can chase it. 

Now for the part you have all been waiting for the actual exhibition the first thing we did for this was we were put in groups I was in a group with Emerson, Sam, Jason, and Lauren. The first thing we actually did as a group was come up with what snacks and where everybody would be in our Area I was in the back. Also around this time I actually struggling with finishing my project because I wasn’t able to 3d print the shell and it was too close to the day of the exhibition so sadly I wasn’t able to finish my project. Now back to getting ready for the exhibition I was in charge of bringing kook aid and some props for our area.

Now the night of the exhibition was very fun I talked to tons of nice people and it sounded like they liked my idea. Throughout the night I also looked at tons of other peoples stations where I saw cool products my favourite was a slide that you put on your stairs. After all of that it was time for cleanup this is a video of that made by a person in my group Jason. Ps. Here’s the full launch journal in case you want to see it.

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