Metaphor Machines


Hello readers, and welcome back to my blog. 

Today’s post is about the recent project that we’ve completed in Scimatics 9. 

This project is called “Metaphor Machines”, and was all about circuits and the scientific method. This was a group project, my partners were:,,

The curricular competencies in this project were Questioning and Predicting, Reasoning and Analyzing, Planning and conducting, and Scientific communication. 

Questioning and Predicting: 

In this project, I think I used my class time to my advantage. I was always on track with assignments, and asked questions if I didn’t understand. However, there were times where myself and my group partners were off task. For example, we got sidetracked with something else, or we weren’t that keen on getting much done. In the end, I accomplished this skill.

Reasoning and Analyzing:

Both my individual and group blueprints were detailed and specific. However, in the final blueprint we could’ve done a better job in measuring different parts of the machine. In my individual blueprint, I thought my ideas were pretty good, but we only included a few of my ideas in the final machine. I accomplished this skill.

Here’s a picture of my individual blueprint:  


And here’s my final group blueprint:


Planning and Conducting:

We built some pretty creative circuits in our machine. For example, we built an eye shaped circuit, a question mark shaped circuit. Furthermore, we had some cool switches. We had one made of tin foil, and one that triggered by magnets connecting. As for our circuit diagram, it took me awhile to figure out the math. To figure it out I asked a fellow student, who told me to use the “PHET simulator”. I then found the current of my circuit and completed the diagram. 

I accomplished this skill.

Scientific Communication:

I was in charge of editing the video and handing it in. The voiceovers were clear and concise, however I should’ve explained the scientific process better in my voiceovers. Also, could’ve made it a bit longer and I should’ve got more camera angles for my video. The voiceovers could’ve been synchronized with video better as well. I accomplished this skill.

In summation, this project was difficult and I learned lots about circuits, and the scientific method. I liked that it was a group project, and that we had many options as to how our machine was designed. This project included graphic design, wiring, and video creation. 

Thanks for reading!!

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