Believe in Good Post

Hello readers, and welcome back to the blog. Today’s post is about the recent project we’ve finished in Maker 9. This project was called “Believe in Good”, and was centred around the book: “7 habits of highly effective teens”, by Stephen Covey. This book suggests you ways to improve your quality of life. For example, how you handle problems, organize your life, and work with others. The driving question in this project was: “How can I be my most effective self?”. You can do this by organizing your life, working in synergy with with others, and renewing yourself regularly. 

The activities that helped us to answer the driving question were the workbook and the assessment choice board activities. 

The first understanding was the “Set-up”. This section was all about getting familiar with what the habits meant, and how to apply them. The main idea for my assessment choice board activity was “what I balance in my life”.


We also created a personal mission statement. A personal mission statement demonstrates what you want to do with your life. This statement interlocks with habits 1 and 2, be proactive and begin with the end in mind. For our our personal mission statement table, we had to include at least 5 figures that have inspired us.

Here’s my table:


The next topic that we explored was the “personal bank account”. The “PBA”, is how you feel about yourself. It’s like a savings account, you can make deposits and withdrawals with the things you say and do. So you want your PBA to have a high number.  

Here’s a picture of my PBA:

The next section that we covered was the “Public Victory”. This section is about the “relationship bank account”, which is like the PBA, but it’s about how you treat others. For my assessment choice board in this section, I created a keynote slide that had examples of deposits and withdrawals in your “RBA”. 

Here’s that slide:

The next section was “Renewal”. This section is cantered around four pieces, Mental, Physical, Social, and Spiritual. Renewal is one of the most important pieces of your life, cause if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you’ll miss it. 

Here’s my renewal assessment choice board activity:

The next section of this project was the Final Product. 

For the final product, we created 3 pieces of learning that demonstrated our learning for each habit. We had to create one visual piece, audio, and kinesthetic piece. 

For my visual pice, I choose to create a keynote slide that listed good and bad examples of habits 3, 4, and 5. 

Here’s that piece:

For my audio piece, I did a podcast about Habits 1 and 2. I talked about how I use these habits in my life.




And finally, for my kinesthetic piece, I did a video of myself and my sister canoeing, to represent habit 6, synergy.



To summarize, learning about the 7 habits taught me many things. It taught me how to express ideas and understanding through media, and how to influence positivity into my life. When we were first assigned the 7 habits reading, I didn’t have much interest in the topic. To me at the time, it was just another book that we had to read for school. I quickly discovered that these habits really related to aspects of my life. I found that these habits could really have a positive effect on myself.


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