Marketing You! Post

Hi there readers, and welcome back to Maximus the Greatest. Today’s post is about the recent project we’ve been working on in PGP, which is our careers class in PLP. This project was all about marketing ourselves by creating resumes, business cards, and cover letters. The driving question was: “How can I effectively market myself to employers?”. You can do this by creating effective media that describes your values and experience. Also, by using the resources available to market yourself in the best way possible.

Starting off, we began to craft new resumes. I had already created one in the past for previous job applications, so I just built off my old one. For my new version, I used Canva as my app of choice. Canva was really helpful as it had lots of resume templates to use. To add some flair to our resumes, we added portraits, here’s what my resume looks like:

We also did an activity where we created a resume for a character of our choice. My group and I made a Dallas grey resume, and it was pretty interesting!

We then began to work on our Business cards, we used Canva to create these as well. Using these templates, I tried to create a logo that went well with the colours of my card.

Here’s the cards that I created:


The purpose of these cards were to market ourselves in positive, descriptive way. I found it to be really helpful, as it’s something I have to consider for my future career.

The next step in this project was to create an effective cover letter, or an email template. Essentially, this is a short paragraph that displays you as a person. I had previously crafted a cover letter for a job application, so I was on the right track. All I had to do was some slight adjustments and fine tuning.

For the final part of this project, we were tasked with creating “mock interviews”. These interviews had to follow the proper principles of a interview, in which 1 partner was the interviewer, and the other the interviewee. My partner in this was Zach.

At first we had an idea to make our interview “the office” themed. This meant we would emulate the same aspects of the show, meaning it would be goofy. After making a few drafts, we found that our interview was TOO goofy. The feedback that we got was that it was too off track of what the interview should look like. So we applied this feedback and made this final version:

We were proud of our work and had made it less goofy!

In summation, this project was very beneficial and was a good learning experience. I found it good to learn about things that we will implement into our future careers post-secondary. I thought the mock interviews were really fun to make, I had a good time making my office parody!

Thanks for reading!

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