
Hi guys! Today I will be telling you all about my Alberta trip that I went on! This was the trip that I went on where I was making my video. You can learn more about that in my earlier post.That post was very specific to the assignment, now I get to talk about the trip.

We went from Vancouver to Alberta to Calgary making a few stops on the way. My top favourite places that we went to would probably have to be Beakerhead, The Worlds Largest Dinosaur, a Buffalo Ranch, and Lake Louise. That isn’t to say that the other places weren’t great, the view was absolutely stunning!

For those of you who don’t know, I am in a program called PLP  which is a project based program that uses iPads in order to do our work. This means that we are in charge if managing our time so that we don’t get distracted. This also means no gaming. Not to say we don’t have games on our iPads, as long as we can control our impulsivity we’re ok. Now, on this trip we always had something to do so I didn’t really have to worry about gaming as much except for one place. The bus. There were times when we were on the bus for hours on end so I would be lying if I said I didn’t game at least once. However, there were also pictures to take and sadly, homework to do.

Each day we were given something called the Daily note. This was where we were given a question at the start of the day that we had to think about and find a way to answer by the end of the day. This was what usually occupied my time during bus rides but sometimes I finished early or I got too carsick to continue. So in the end I would take a break and somehow end up gaming for the rest of the ride.
One more thing that I had worked on for a lot of the transport time was something called the “ Ghost Town video.” One of our first stops that we did was a ghost town. This means that I had the rest of the trip to work on the editing and most of the time that was done on the road. Shoutout to Malaika, Thomas, and Anthony who worked with me on the video.

The main focus for this trip was to manage our impulsivity and to be aware of what is going on. As I have mentioned earlier, I definitely still need to work on the impulsivity by maybe setting reminders and going other work so that I can be ahead of the game. Another thing that I could’ve done was planned ahead a little more, saw which stop we were going to and make a list of some more shots that I can get. This ties into the other focus, which was being aware. If I had been more on top of looking for learning opportunities I think that I could have done better in my video and learning overall.

I would like to stress the fact that we had a busy schedule so while we were actually at our destinations you had to be aware and attentive or we could miss important details. I took lots of photos and videos too so that I could find things that I could use for my final assignment. All in all I had a great time and I highly recommend it if anyone plans on going!

Images and week 3

Hi guys! Welcome back. This is week 3 of the blogging challenge, and this weeks topic is very interesting! This week is all about how to use photos properly. So I decided to create this poster that you all can use as reference when using photos online:

This shows you how to use photos legally and talks a little about how these things work.
Next we were told to make a few of our own images keeping these rules in mind. I found that this was defiantly very fun! I used an app called SuperimposeX and plain photos editing to make these photos;

Finally I decided to write a poem from these photos that I found at

The dark of night is near

and the shadows move to hide their fear

the sun moves a little closer, we all will hold our breath

the silence then surrounds us in a world that’s not like ours

no sound can pierce this place

no light will change our ways

we look up with eyes clouded by long hours and long days

finally the time has come and we must look away

we can’t look without a filter, just like modern day


Bloggers are back!

Welcome back guys! The blogging challenge is officially back and let me tell you, I am incredibly exited! This is my second year doing the blogging challenge and I encourage you all to check out my about page. Today I will be talking all about avatars!

No, not that kind of avatar. This kind of avatar:

That’s me! If you guys have read my about page you should know that for 1, I am a teenager and 2, I love pandas! I wrote a post about them for last years blogging challenge. That is why you see a panda there in my avatar, I just had to include one. I will almost always chose comfort cloths rather than fashion which is why you see my avatar, in a sweater. Not only that but I live in Vancouver, so you know rain. I do wear glasses. I have always been a huge bookworm and turns out reading late at night with a bad lighting source isn’t good for your eyes.

I hope you guys have learned a little something about me and have fun on the blogging challenge! Feel free to comment as I’m always will reply as soon as I can!


Place effecting people

Hi guys! Sorry that it’s been awhile. Today I will be talking all about my newest project about place! I went on a 9 day trip to Alberta to try and answer the question; How does place impact who we are? Before I begin, I would like to say that the view there and the scenery is amazing! But I won’t be talking about it as much in this post. Instead I will be talking about how I made a video about how artists are impacted by place.

Are project was to create a video that answered our driving question through the eyes of our specific group. Mine was artists. Before I could make this video though, there were a few things that I had to do first. The first thing that we did, was create a creative something, whether it was a poem, a song, a short video, a drawing, anything, about how place impact us as individuals and the role that place has played in my life. Then we continued to do that except rather than make it about ourselves, we looked at how place impacts other people. I decided to write a paragraph reflection on how Bison are effected by the reintroduction project in 2013 through a social lens.

And just like that, we were off! Going on a 9 day trip, 216 hours, 12,960 minutes! That right there, is schooling at its finest. Now, while we were on this trip we had to do something called a daily note. This was basically a daily question that we kept in  kind for the day and wrote a reflection on at the end of it. I really enjoyed this because it helped narrow my focus a little to make me understand the kind of shots that I wanted to take. By this I mean that every photo or video that I took on the trip, could be used in my video. This means that everywhere we went was an opportunity and that 5here was really no room for slacking off.

One of these places that I went to, that 8 personally really enjoyed was an event called Beakerhead. Beakerhead is an event that focuses on combing and expressing science and art. This for me, was a jackpot. The place was full of amazing art and artists and I got to see some amazing things. For example, I managed to get in a few interviews with the people there. The day we went was for the “ Spectral Illuminations”. This was literally a light show of art, and since we went at night, it was absolutely incredible!

Finally, I had enough materials to create my video. This took many drafts and a lot of consideration. I had a time limit for my video but I had a lot of information to fit into 4 minutes. After many hours of working, getting feedback and improving my video I finally came to a product that where I answered the driving question, and that I am proud of. So without further stalling, here it is!

Math games!

Hi guys! Today I will be talking all about math! I know right? So exciting! Well, that wasn’t entirely sarcasm. More specifically I will be talking about a math game that I made for school. This was defiantly one of the better projects that I had for school and was very fun to do! Let’s get into it!

Our assignment was to create game that used the laws of exponents, without requiring the players to use a calculator to do the math. In order to do this we were put into partners an I got the amazing Asha! We created a game called plot twist that was a very basic visualization of exponent equations. Here are the rules:

We got plenty of class time and we restarted our game 5 of 6 times with many, many drafts. Finally we came up with a product and presented it to a different class getting them to try our game. Everyone either loved it, or hated it and there wasn’t a lot of people who had an opinion in between. I thought that it was interesting but I’m glad that the majority liked our game and more importantly, understood how to play it. This assignment really tested my knowledge about exponents and really made me think about how to convey that knowledge to people who know nothing about it in a fun and engaging way.

Before we started this project I did have a little bit of knowledge on what exponents were but I still needed to do more work to understanding how they worked. In order to do that I developed a few questions on what I needed to know. Both on what exponents are, and how to do this project. These were called the need to know questions. After this project I know understand how exponents work on a much deeper level than if I were given worksheets. This project also helped me improve my ability to explain something to another person, who had little to no knowledge about it.

In conclusion, I think that this was a great opportunity that really stretched my imagination and made me think. It was a great way to learn about exponents and get an chance to incorporate a little fun!