Provincial reflection

Provincial reflection

Mechanica, team and instant challenge

My team: Meg(me), Anders, Anthony, Ryan, Brenton, Ally                   

Full performance


Provincial Reflection

We had our provincial tournament at a different time and place as the regional tournament so we had time to try and fix the things that didn’t work out in the regionals. However, the time that we got was mostly occupied by spring break. This meant that the times when every member of our group was available was rare. However, we had at least 3 people at every meeting and we managed to get things done. We first looked at our raw scores which were given to us after the regionals. We then decided the main things that we needed to work on: the payload, the story, and the team choice elements. For our team choice elements we decided that we wanted to build a music rover that can help with transportation and giving a more dramatically portrayal. To do this we used some of the left over wood that one of our group members had, and turned it into a frame. Then, making sure to test it so it can hold our weight, we added cardboard to be the exterior because we didn’t have enough wood and it was easier that way. We then painted the cardboard and found a speaker we could use. All that was left was transportation.  


Team Challenge

Our first challenge that we presented was, like the regionals, the team challenge, this was definitely not our best. There were a lot of things that didn’t turn out as we wanted and a lot of things failed to come through last minute. Our drone broke when we got to the gym to perform, and while we were performing, we forgot to use one of our team choice elements.

The Negatives

       So, what happened that made our performance so bad? Well first of all, our drone broke. Now this, to me, is pretty ironic because in the regionals our drone worked, while the payload did not, however this time the drone didn’t but our payload did. This is a problem because we then had to break one of our set pieces so that we could get a score. We designated one person who was originally going to control the drone, to fan what we had and get payloads to drop in the designated area. However this meant that the prop that we used to fan our drone would touch the drone meaning that even though we got the payload to work, for each successful drop, if the fan touched the drone, that drop wouldn’t count to be successful.

We also didn’t use one of our team choice elements. This was simply do to stress and the fact that we were rushing. We had created this awesome rover that played music and could be ridden. However we forgot to play the music from the rover and we only used the rover for transportation once. What else didn’t work? Well because one of the people in group had to fan the done, we couldn’t get him to say his lines and that part that we had rehearsed meaning that there was a huge gap in our performance. Our walk-in talkie, that was used as a prop, turned on “backstage” and made a loud sound during the performance. The last things that went wrong was that we forgot one of our backdrop because everyone thought that someone else had brought it, YAAAY.

The Positives

        What’s the bright side to all of this? Well, our second team choice element did in fact work and the audience seemed to be very impressed with it. The second team choice element was a backdrop that lit up and had coordinated lights to turn on and off at different times. This was something that i personally was very proud of because i was the one who made the lights stay in the backdrop and got it to work. We managed to get someone to buy us a huge sheet that was used as the second backdrop just to cover up what was happening backstage. Everyone remembered there lines! This isn’t something that went wrong last time, but it was something i was worried about because the script kept getting changed even up to the last minute. The performance was dragged on a bit by our narrator though, in order to give time for the payloads to finish. The appraisers, or the “judges” were nice enough to give us extra time when they realized that we had encountered a problem and thanks to that we managed to calm down a little more and get our heads in the game. To top it all off, we won 3rd place! I’m 99% sure this is because we won the instant challenge however this is still something that I can say I did. I’m not necessarily proud of the result, i think we could have done better but given our performance of our time management skills, and teamwork I’m just happy we got what we did.

Teamwork and Time Management

        Speaking of which, our teamwork!  I think that it was better than before the regionals, but still not great. The main reason for this was that not all of us was at every meeting this meant that with less people, it was easier to work together. It was also Spring break so using our free time it was a great opportunity to get things done, and those who couldn’t come because they were on vacation, couldn’t come. We still needed to work on our communication skills, or else we wouldn’t have forgot the backdrop and our performance would have been  a lot better. Rather than the teamwork, the thing that really improved from regionals was probably our time management skills. We definitely realized how quickly the clock tick away and helped us prioritize our need more which helped be a lot more efficient. We created things called burn down chart to help show our progress.

The burn down chart help us show how much we have done and how much we still need to do for each project. We organized the burn down charts by what we needed to prioritize and then broke down those priorities making it a efficient way to organize, and reorganize who does what and how it gets done.



All in all we definitely made a lot of improvements from regionals but we also failed to shine in other areas. When doing DI again next year I will definitely ask for a different group to work with (or a mix with new people) and possibly a different challenge.

you can view our script here.

Pound and Grain!

Pound and Grain is a amazing marketing agency that I got to go to for a school trip. This is where we learned about advertising and we got critique on our Ads. Hi guys! It’s Meg here to talk to you today about the time I went to Pound and Grain!


Do you remember my last post about the ads I did in deep cove? Well, before we submit our final draft we got to go to pound and grain, and get feedback on our ads. Since they do this for a living, it was an amazing experience. They were all very nice and answered all our questions and showed us some of the things that they have done before, giving us inspiration. They also talked about the process that they use to create ads, and the steps that they take. They said that if the business your making ads for knows the “feeling” they want to give off, its easier to create ads for them. We were all doing ads for small businesses that we just lived knew. So they all ranged from knowing what they want, to just leaving it to us. Our business was somewhere in the middle, so we had enough freedom to add our own creative touches to our ads, while still making it exclusively, deep cove music.

Overall this was a really fun experience and I learned a lot. I highly recommend it for any teachers out there. Feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Hi guys, this blog post will be talking about Mpols which is something that you do in PLP during mid term. This is like a self reflection that you do and talk to your teachers and parents about so that you can improve and do better. It’s a chance for you to improve your grade if your not satisfied with them, and is student led. This means that for about 7 minutes, you go through all of your classes and talk about things that you think you do that works and things that you think you can change or do better on. So today I will be doing just that, reflecting on my classes and explaining what I have done so far in school, in PLP.


We have done a lot for humanities so far, but its hard to tell what we did in a way because our teacher for humanities sometimes teaches Maker and sometimes our Humanities block is used for Maker and vis versa. So far the most memorable things that we did in humanities was making ads. We learned about different advertising techniques such as Pathos, Ethos, and Logos. I talk about this more in depth in my post Advertising 101. I think that I improved from are first ad, from deep cove and the ads from Oregon.

I think that it would have made my life a lot easier if I had submitted proper drafts on time. I have a habit of both procrastinating and perfection, (if I have enough motivation for it.) This basically means that I have bad time management skills and usually leave things to the last minute. I also cant use drafts. I usually already have a vision of what the final product would look like so I automatically try to get that level, however that also means that I dont make drafts and the drafts that I do make look unfinished or lacking so I try to fix it and it takes a really long time to do so.

The Oregon ads that I made were in my opinion, a great improvement from the deep cove ones for 2 main reasons. The first reason was that I now had a little experience from going to Pound and Grain (check out my blog post Pound and Grain) and from doing it before. I learned how to use the apps properly and I actually used the app. The deep cove add was, until the final product, a drawing that I did and therefore was not clean or professional looking. The second reason was because I submitted the different drafts and got feedback each time. I could have been better at improving the drafts and changing things so that I was more satisfied with my end product though.

The next main thing that we did was the exhibition along with the religion unit. This was where we talked about things that effected our and others worldview and how religion comes into that sequel. I enjoyed learning about different religions view each other, the world and their different perspectives because of that. I can now explain how worldview is represented through religion and vis versa which was something that I couldn’t do before this unit.

In order to understand the unit better, we looked into our own worldview and explained it in an explain everything, which is an app that we used. Personally I didn’t like this assignment because the app didn’t work with me and I thought that it was very confusing at first. What I did like about this though, was that we had to make a mind node. This was a type of brainstorming that suited me a lot better than the explain everything. I thought mine turned out very well and though it wasn’t a major project, I was very proud of it.

In the new unit, we are currently learning about Rome and haven’t done any main projects but I will talk about my learning over all later on.





Scimatics is basically science and math combined in to one class, which is taught at different times or sometimes together. In the first unit, we learned about techtonic plates and a review of elementary school math.

The main project for the first term that I focused on for Scimatics was a children’s book. The assignment was to make a children’s book explaining what a techtonic plate is and how it works. I thought that this was both hard and fun. It was really hard because finding wording that children would understand while explaining something that can be really complex like techtonic plates was significantly difficult for me. It was fun becasue it helped me understand techtonic plates in a simpler term and because I hand drew all of the pictures in the book, which made me really proud.

Currently, we are learning about cells, living things and fractions. The living things and cells part is a little hard to understand for me but because we have gone over it a few times I now understand better. I learned about decomposition, proteins, and microbes. I thought that it was interesting and wasn’t as disgusted as my classmates but it is definitely not a career choice that I would choose.

I am fairly confident in my ability to do math so I don’t find any problems with fractions or anything. Because of this I enjoy the science part of this class more when I feel like learning. When I don’t I prefer the easier math because it only has one right answer.


Maker in my opinion was basically this blog. This blog was were I was doing all of the reflection for the projects that we did and helped me analyze what my strengths and weaknesses are. For unit 1 we focused on the blogging challenge, weeks, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Each week taught me something I hadn’t known before and I really liked the experience. There were many different types of challenges which was part of the reason that it was so fun to do. It was also really cool to receive comments from people around the world and see their opinions on some of the things that you do. It was also fun because after a while my mom also made a blog.

My favourite would defiantly be the portfolio post where we took photos in different ways. I really liked this because I found out that I really like taking different photos and like I mentioned in the post, its cool to try and find different messages you can convey through your photos. For example, in my photo walk, my theme was “human influence” so I took photos of nature that had somehow been altered by humans. It wasn’t hard to take the photos so to make it harder and more fun for me, I had to think of different ways to convey that.

Currently in Maker we are focussing on Destination Imagination (DI). Which is in my opinion, weday for students. So far though, I can see that my group needs to work more on our communication with the rest of the group.on the second day, we had brock into 3 mini groups inside our big group because everyone had different ideas on what to do and wasn’t actually following the instructions.i think that, that is definitely  something to work on escpecially because everyone has god ideas, as long as we can incorporate everyone or get a consensus.

Maker was also where we learned how to use most of the apps that we currently use today, and is really helpful because using these apps has become a daily routine.


And finally PGP. This was a class that we started a lot later in the school year and was probably both the hardest and easiest class for me. The first thing that we did in PGP was the academic growth plan. This was were we reflected on our classes and asked for grades, explaining the things that we did to get those grades. I think that I am good on reflecting on what I have already done but actually improving on what I said I would improve on is a hard thing to do for me.


Now, we are working on goal planning. Again, I can create goals, and steps to get to those goals but actually completing these goals is a lot harder for me. The main reason for this is simply because I’m really lazy. When I dont have the motivation to do something, 9 out of 10 times I wont do it. I realize that if I make a goal about something that I am pationate about than I will probably be more engaged. This is why I said that this is the hardest and easiest class for me. When I make goals on the things that I want to go I then make smaller goals to achieve that big goal. So as long as I make sure that I am passionate about the things I do then I think I will be ok.


I have very bad time management skills ad often leave things to the last minute. I have mentioned this before too. To fix this I can timeblock times for me to do things but the actual comitment to do the task is dependant on how motivated I feel at the time. If i feel committed, I can usually finish a task in less than 20 min. However when I can’t focus I take at least an hour. This is a big difference, so I would like to discuss different techniques that I can use to be engaged. When I am actuallly in class, I can pay attention and do assignments handed out. This has lead me to the conclusion that being at home is part of the reason that I can’t pay attention.


What do you think are some of the things I can do to fix this? Thank you for reading!

Winter Exhibition (part 2)

Hi everyone! This blog post will be the 2nd part of my talk on the winter exhibition, check out my earlier blog post Winter Exhibition part 1. For a recap, I am talking about an Exhibition I did in school about the learning we had done for the past 4 months. The Exhibition was for students in a program call PLP.

Our Exhibition was about how religious worldview were represented in the real world. To do this we were divided into groups of around 6 and were given a religion to research and talk about. The religion that my group got was Hinduism which is a religion based around a way of life and following a few set morals. Hinduism originated In India in around 1500 BC and is one of the oldest world religions.

The exhibition also helped me get better at social interactions because I had to know all of my facts and be able to have a CONVERSATION with people about my religion. I think that it is really important that we have a conversation with our audience rather than just me spewing out facts because that way you can come to a mutual understanding and you also come out with a deeper understanding.

Although we didn’t actually present it in our exhibition, there were a few projects that we did to help us understand OUR worldview and different aspects that effect it. This is really important because before you explain stuff about someone else its easier to do that if you understand the same thing about yourself. 2 of the main things was a Mind-node, and something called Explain Everything. The Mind-node is basically a brainstorm showing different aspects of worldview, and different aspects that effect your life. The Explain Everuthing is a YouTube video that we had to make about how our worldview changed from elementary school, to high school.


To be perfectly honest, I don’t like my Explain Everything because I think that I could have done a better job to make it look smoother through the transitions. This was the first time we had ever used this app and it was harder then I expected so I kept focussing on the details, but it didn’t turn out how I had imagined.

I was a lot prouder of the Mind-Node because I think I had the information needed and I was good at explaining different ways that they were connected to each other and how they formed my view on the world.


I think that the exhibition was really successful because by the end everyone could explain each religion, some in more depth than others, and could tell people about different aspects that effect both those practicing a religion, and those who interact with those who practice religions.

Thanks for reading, again, if you have any questions feel free to comment and I would be happy to answer you.

Winter Exhibition (part 1)

Hi everyone! Today I am talking about a Exhibition I did in school just before winter break. In the exhibition we presented the learning we had done for the past 4 months. This Exhibition was only for students in a program I’m doing called PLP.








We had been learning about religion for the past few months and went on a few field studies to different religious places of worship. Our goal for these field studies were so that we can experience and understand different perspectives, and ways that religion is expressed in day to day life, to answer our driving question. Our main driving question was; “How is religious worldview represented in the real world?” For those of you who may not know, worldview is basically your view on the world, through your experiences, and how/where you grew up.

Somethings that we had at the exhibition was a poster that we created, a photo documentary of field studies we went on to learn about religions, food from our religion, and an activity that we created that helps the audience understand the religion.

In our exhibition, we were divided into groups of around 6 and were each assigned a religion that we talked about. My group( Liam, Zoe, Angelo, Noah) had the religion, Hinduism. Each person had to make a photo documentary using photos that we took on the field studies. They all had to be photos that we either took ourselves, or someone in our class took. The photo documentary was supposed to be like a summary of our field studies expressed using little to no words, while still being able to show the differences and similarities of the religions. We also showed a poster that we made that shows 7 aspects of worldview.

We then had to bring food to put out for our audiences, that is used in our religion in some way. The food that my group chose was naan bread, which is often eaten inn festivals and celebrations, due to the fact that Hinduism originated in India.

i think that the actual chi bit ion itself helped me summarize in my mind what we had learned and doing that made it easier to tell my knowledge to other people. I think that the process was really fun because I’m sure we all learned a lot and we are not only able to talk about at least 1 religion in depth, but we can also say how that effects other religions and other people. This was something I couldn’t have done before this unit.

If you want to learn more about the behind the scenes of the exhibition or about Hinduism check out my blog post; Winter Exhibition part 2.

Portraits, and photos and other stuff for fun


Hello again! Today is a little continuing on my post Photos, everywhere! However, its a continuing on the project at school rather than the post itself. In my last post I talked about how I edited photos to make them, funny, comical, or just adding y own touch. This time we were supposed to do portraits. They could be of yourself, your family, friends or anyone else. We were supposed to do at least 1 self portrait, one portrait, and a before and after of an old photo. Check down below to see them. Make sure to comment and check out some of my other blog posts!

Above you can see the photos I took with different kinds of lighting, a cool angle, or just a self portrait. I really liked experimenting with cool lighting because it gave the photos different meanings and gave off a different feel. The angles were something that I thought was really interesting though, because it made you think of different ways to convey things through your photos.

This slideshow was a photo walk that I did ranging, from photos just from walking home, when I went hiking, or just walking near the pier. This was really cool because each of the photos of the different places were taken at a different time so it’s a little hard to compare. The photos from when I walked home from school was taken from 3:20-4, the photo from the pier were taken after 5 and the photos from the hike were taken in the morning. The theme in all of my photos, though is nature that is polluted by humans, so in every photo you can see evidence of human contact.

The before and after photo was probably the hardest thing to do for me because my family moved once and most of my photos were of places that are hard to go back to. Also, my mom didn’t want her face shown on the web, and didn’t like the idea of any of my other family members, on the web either. In the end, I wasn’t allowed to.

This is so far my most favourite project because I like taking photos. To finish this post I will leave you with a few photos I took just for fun.

Photos, everywhere!!

Hey there, today I’m here to talk to you all about …. drum roll please! Photos! Today is all about a school project I did on how to take amazing photos. For this project we were tasked to take some photos and personalize them by bringing these photos to life with our own little touches. We were also told to take a photo walk with a theme. For example, all of my photos have a circle in the photo some where. However, that a topic that I’m addressing in my next blog post: snapshot!

Our assignment was to take an every day object and make it interesting by adding these personalizations. The photos that I took can be seen above. I used markup which is a feature that I have when I go to edit my photos. I simply added faces to my pictures and added a speech bubble. Tell me which photo you liked best in the comments below!

Advertising 101

Hi there! Today I’m here to talk about things I learned when I made ads! We were doing a project in school where we interviewed a local business and made an add for them in groups that we were divided into. My group consisted of Mathew, Rhiann, and Anthony. Make sure you check out their blogs! We each made our own ad but we did the interview together. This was amazingly interesting because we also went to Pound and Grain which is a marketing agency. They basically make ads for other companies. If you want to know more about Pound and Grain make sure you stay tuned to my next blog posts. I learned 3 important types of advertising, Pathos, Logos, and Ethos. Pathos is when a add targets the audiences feelings to make the audience like the product emotionally. Logos is when you use logic to sell the audience. Whenever numbers are involved you know right away that the add is using Logos. Finally Ethos. Ethos is when you give credibility like saying a celebrity uses a certain product. An ad can have more than one of these 3 and in some cases all of them. Alright, lets get into it.

Draft 1:

For my first draft I decided to start by trying to set the mood. With the shape of a guitar in the middle that looks sort of like its glowing giving it a Pathos sort of feel. I was trying to send the message that the audience has an unlimited amount of potential if they went to this place. On this one I forgot to ad who I was advertising for and how to contact them.

Draft 2:

For this draft I used comic type lines to draw the audiences attention to the centre. The lines also give it more impact and doesn’t bore the audience to much. I would definitely try to stay away from blank spaces because it makes the ad look unfinished. This is one of the many things I would do differently.

Draft 3:

On this draft I changed the colour to give it a more cheerful feel but didn’t change anything else.

Draft 4:

I decided that I didn’t like the colour in draft 3 so I changed it back and added a guitar to the centre to give it more of a kick. I added a catch phrase so that you can really get what I’m trying to say. I have added the company logo and address so that you can access them. I also added some chains to sort of imply that you can really unlock your potential because it is currently hidden away. You may note that all 4 of these drafts are all drawn out. This is something I will go into more later but I would like to say that I would definitely not do this in the future if I were to do this again.

Draft 5, final:

This is where you can really see the difference. As you can see, I have digitalized everything and completely abandoned my original format. I used a catch phrase and tried to clean things up a little better than the other drafts. The logo is visible and so is the the address. You can see the name of the business I’m advertising for and everything is readable.

After looking at my work I have decided that for future reference, I will defiantly start digital because it s easier to revise that way. Honestly in my opinion, my first 4 drafts would probably be in the planning stage and my final draft would be like a first draft. I think that it took me a really long time to let go of what wouldn’t work. I will defiantly keep this in mind if I am to do this again. So, this now draws me close to the end of my little self reflection here. Please comment below and tell me which one you liked best and why. I’ll see you next time!