Hello blog readers, 

This year’s winter exhibition was different than previous year’s but just as much work. In the past we usually made things, this time around we made a PechaKucha presentation.

Driving Question

Our driving question for the exhibition was “why does it take a “crazy” person to change the world?” This question has been a theme of ours for a whole unit and we have done a lot of work with it that I will explain in this post. 

Seattle Trip

We also went on a trip to Seattle to better understand this question. The Seattle trip definitely helped me understand our definition of crazy and how it can be found in anything. Before the trip we wrote an essay on the topic, and during the trip we were put in a room called the “hot box” and we had to write 5 things we saw during the trip that shows crazy. The trip definitely helped me better find my so called answer for this question. I recommend reading my post on the trip. It goes in a lot of depth about the trip, mentions the essay, mentions the “hot box” task, and the video project. Click here to go to post.

Winter Exhibition PechaKucha 

This years winter exhibition was definitely a memorable one. Instead of doing what we would have done in the past we had one week to make a 7 minute presentation but not any normal presentation, a PechaKucha. A PechaKucha presentation is only images, 20 seconds per slide, 20 slides, 6 minutes and 40 seconds. We used keynote to make the presentation.

The Keynote 


The presentation must also follow a story spine and not be all over the place. At first talking for 7 minutes about this topic seemed very difficult but we practiced so much. The creating process of the presentation had a lot of ups and downs. I knew exactly what I wanted to say but I couldn’t word anything properly. To be able to get my point across I had to put a lot of time revising what I wrote. We weren’t allowed a script but our presenter notes helped me a lot. Two days before the exhibition, we were told we aren’t allowed notes or a podium and we have to present with only 20 images on the screen behind us. Personally this made things very difficult. I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it and I should just completely wing it but I’m glad I didn’t. Those two days felt so short and long at the same time because I kept repeating my presentation. 

The day of the exhibition was a very chilled back day. All we had to do was decorate our area. My class all worked together on this. We were going for a open mic cafe type of thing and it worked out so well for us. We had the back of the library as our area which was easy to decorate and everyone ended up loving it. Here are some photos of the place.

My Presentation 


Looking back I learned a lot. I feel as though my class and I understand the question so much some would even say we over-stand. This driving question has literally been ingrained in my mind. If anyone ever asks me that question again I would recite my whole presentation for them. The experience that came with this unit was totally worth it but I’m glad we are moving onto our next topic because my brain was going to explode if we did another “crazy” related project.