Macbeth 1. PLP 0.



FINALLY ITS OVER. The anger, bad decisions and arguing is finally over from finally finishing the Macbeth project. What I mean by finish Is I mean a pretty rough cut of what we hoped to get. But instead of talking about all the things we failed to do, let’s talk about the bit of success that came out of this project and how as a class we can learn from it and carry on.




The Macbeth project/movie brought some hard objectives to the table as the class worked their hardest to try and get them complete. I wouldn’t take this project as a failure because we barely got a movie done but I think this project is a great learning experience. The reason why I think this project was a great learning experience is because if this was real life and we where shooting a real movie everyone would have been fired just like what my teacher Ms Willemse said. This project taught more real life experiences then actually learning Macbeth which isn’t a bad thing. What we can all learn from this project is that time management is huge when it comes to making a movie or anything really in that matter.


Over all, getting the class together outside of school was pretty fun and had its times. It was great seeing everyone and it made people who barely talked to each other talk to each other which was great. This was a great learning experience for the class and we can take this and move on and learn from it,


The final cut of the movie will be here once it is uploaded to YouTube.

My Canada

This week in PLP we got assigned to do a little short 30 second video on what Canada means for you. The question was what does Canada mean to you or what you would say to yourself is what is my Canada?. Thinking this was going to be a pretty simple video and was going to be pretty easy getting it done it actually was pretty hard. The hard part wasn’t making the video or even coming up with my thoughts it was trying to fit everything I wanted to say in a 30 second video.



I started off with a pretty awesome script I thought. It had everything I wanted to say, it was short and sweet and had a very strong connection with myself and Canada but the script was impossible to read in 30 seconds. (the fastest I was able to read it was 45 seconds) After a couple hours of thinking and editing I was finally able to make something close but not even close as good to the first script. The final product had a lot of missing little points that I wanted to say that would have made the video that much better but that goes for everyone.



I started off with this script

And ended with this one.




The apps I used to make this little video are IMovie and Garage band. I used IMovie to of course make the video and Garage band to record the voice over. All of the images I used are copyright free.


Video will be here once it uploads