As this is my first year in PLP this exhibition was also my first so it was a little nerve wracking at first, but I got the hang of it within the few days of leaning what we were doing.  In past years I have seen that generally the PLP kids make products and projects but this year we did something different. Our class each presented a pechakucha which is a 7 minute ( 20 20 sec self switching slides) presentation.

 These pechakucha’s were all answering the driving question “why does it take a crazy person to change the world?” This driving question was something we had been all focused around for the past month or so, we had Written an essay done another pechakucha and gone on a field study to Seattle Washington. Through all those things we gained experience and knowlage on how to answer the question with what we believed. 


As I mentioned before we went on a field study to Seattle. It was a jam packed trip to say the least! We started of having to leave school at 4:45 Am and then drive straight to Seattle. In Seattle we visited many places that were made by “crazy” people such as Chihuly garden and glass, Microsoft garage and Starbucks SODO reserve.

On this trip I sorta had an “aha” moment and I was finally able to find my answer to the driving question. I was able to finally see a convection between all the people who were considered crazy and explain what it was.


So we were originally told that we would be able to have our presenters notes and have a podium to have during our presentations, but later on it was revealed that this was not what was happening. At first when we found out that those guidelines had been changed we were outraged and i mean we were very upset. But I think it actually helped us in the end. It made our presentations more spontaneous so we were able to say what we knew and believed was the answer to “why it takes a crazy person to change the world.

Exhibition time!

For our exhibition and room Jessie had the idea of transforming the library into a coffee house open mic theme. We got lamps and little fairy lights to give it a warm and homey feel. Luca designed a menu that showed all our names and presentation times so people could see who was going and when.We brought in a sofa and tables to have nice seating and placed themaround the projector. When the time came for me to present I was really nervous but I got up there and did it. I felt like I did very well and  I only really messed up 2 or 3 times.  



Looking back I feel like I did really well and I do feel genuinely proud of what I did this exhibition. I was able to get up on the stage and present my answer and explain why I believed it was true and provide evidence. I thought that the way we set up the room overall worked really well and helped set the vibe we wanted it to be. And it wasn’t to distracting from the presentations. To improve I would’ve spent more time practicing my presentation without my notes beforehand. It would’ve helped me be more prepared for the presentation without my notes. Overall I can now confidently answer “ why does it take a crazy person to change the world.