Recently we went on a field study to Seattle Washington to investigate our driving question further ; “why does it take a crazy person to change the world?” Our task was to create a 5-7 minute video that has examples, evidence and interviews to answer the question. I was in a group with Jessie, Tamara and Alivia . We first started to brainstorm a possible thesis and look into what evidence we could gather within the places we were visiting in Seattle. We decided to go with a thesis that we all agreed with and could support, Crazy people are those who bring the future to societal norms. So to answer our question and provide evidence we then planned out the people and places we needed to film and interview.
After looking into a lot of the places we found some that showed our thesis and supported it through either someone’s work ideas or concepts. Our main focuses were Dale Chihuly, Microsoft and Starbucks (Howard Schultz ). We saw that each of these company’s / people had this creativity to them, we defined it as imaginative innovation. They each were able to bring their ideas to life and the into the societal normals and standards.
Starting off out trip by leaving at the ungodly time of 4:45 am and driving straight to Microsoft in Seattle. We first learned more on the history and creators behind Microsoft its self then we went to the garage which is a work space open to all Microsoft employees. When we went into the garage our guide started off by telling us that the thing they value is Bring ideas to life not just thinking about them. His way of explaining it gave me and my group a better look into Microsoft itself and over all how to bring ideas to life.
Chihuly was a glassblowing artist who created his own style and broke the unspoken rules of his glassblowing world. While taking an interview with Devon, who worked at the garden and glass she said that he was called crazy because his art truly was crazy as it was and is something no one else had done. Honestly that interview was amazing and was genuinely informative as she actually put a lot of thought into her answers for our questions.From her interview I got to a point where I personally felt like I understood how he came up with his “crazy” art. It’s like his art is ahead of his times and the fact he thinks so far outside the box he doesn’t even realize its there anymore.
Another place and person we chose to use was Starbucks and Howard Shultz . For his passion and strength to bring ideas to life. He had seen the style of Cafes in Italy sand decided he wanted it in North America and through his determination and his ability to bring these ideas to life he is the reason Starbucks is the way it is. We really wanted to emphasize that he was able to bring this style of cafe from Italy to North America and make Starbucks now a household name.
Looking back I have to say that I couldn’t pick an overall favourite place. The place that I felt I got the most out of and learned the most relevant information to our driving question was the Microsoft garage, just the way it was all explained to us was very informative and straightforward to what we were wanting to know. It for me helped me and my group come to a conclusion and answer to our driving question. They also emphasized on passion and how it really effects how and how much you work.
I also really enjoyed the tour of the Century Link field it was a very photogenic place and had so many story’s and interesting parts to it.It was also pretty cool how open it was and how huge the stadium actually was. I had a ton of fun being able to use my DSLR to take photos of Seattle and my friends there, we were lucky enough to not have any wet weather and even get some sunny time.
While making our video and all the parts of answering our driving question at first we did have a big stuggle actually creating a thesis of an answer eventually we came up with somewhat of a thesis that crazy people are the ones who think ahead of their time.. So when we got to seattle and stared getting more information on the people and places our thesis started to form and not necessarily change but evolved and adapted to our newly found information. So our new thesis was crazy people are those who bring the future to societal normals. Saying that they are the ones who are willing to think outside the box as if it didn’t even exist and bring their ideas to life.
check out this little video I made myself of my seattle trip !:)