I am writing a post that was due 7 months ago. Why, you may ask? Well, it turns out that I didn’t know that I had to write a post about this. You see, I was on vacation when it was assigned and then straight up forgot about it for the next 7 months. I guess I had better things to do.

It recently came to my attention during a recent grading conference that I was missing this post and I don’t want to stay in school for an extra week, so here goes.

In this unit we learned about chemistry. It was pretty interesting. We learned about elements and how they can bond together. That whole idea of elements bonding together is how our exhibition came to form. We had to create chemistry stories about anything we wanted to really, but two elements had to bond.

Here is the project mind map

How do elements bond? Well, there are 2 ways. Covalent bonding and ionic bonding.

Covalent bonding is when two non-metals form a bond.

Ionic bonding is when a combination of a metal and non metal bond.

Now, why do elements bond? Well, they bond in order to make full valence shells. A full valence shell happens when elements have their outer shell of electrons fully completed. So, if both an element has two extra electrons meets an element lacking two electrons, they can bond. It creates the best of both worlds for the elements.

This led into our exhibition. I wasn’t at school for this but my partner in creating chemistry stories was Aedan. We created a bomb animation, but then we formed into another group. Check out my post about the exhibition here. In that post, I also explain the exhibition in more detail and some other things I learned in science.

Anyways to learn more, definitely check out my exhibition post. I’m going to keep this one short and to the point.
