People and the environment Humanities

This is how I solved the driving question for the People and the Environment Humanities project.  The driving question for this project is: How do people and the environment affect each other.

For this project we had to make a letter to a important person and the letter has to be about the environment.

Here is the letter that I made

This is my review and process of creating the letter:

I think that if I were to do it again then I would make the letter longer and contain more info.

I think that the finished letter looks pretty cool, and I am proud of the final result.

The Success criteria for this project were:

1) I can analyze how texts use literary devices to enhance both meaning and impact.

I can analyze how texts use literary devices to enhance both meaning and impact.

This means that I have completed all CommonLit Readings and responded to how authors construct meaning. This also means that I use the CommonLit Readings as exemplars of structure, mood, and persuasion techniques.

I think I did ok for this part of the criteria, as I got ok marks on the commonlits

2)   I can use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create original, engaging, and meaningful texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.

This means that I can identify a specific environmental topic of interest to research, design, and develop text. I can also identify specific authentic audience and work together with group to identify target goal.

I think I did well in this part of the criteria, as I found a topic of interest and spent a lot of time researching that topic.

3)   I can reflect, assess, and refine texts to improve clarity, effectiveness, and impact for purpose, audience, and message.

This means that I can complete all CommonLit Writing activities to apply to letter writing. I can present a letter to a senior PLP student for critique. I can revise and create multiple drafts of letter for clarity and effectiveness.

I think I did ok in this part of the criteria, as I created multiple drafts of my letter and revised it quite a  few times, but I did not do well on connecting my letter to the commonlit activities as I did not complete the outline soon enough.

The steps that I took to make this game were:

Milestone 1:  For this milestone we made an outline for our letter.

Milestone 2:  For this milestone we did peer critique for our letter.

Milestone 3:  For this milestone we read commonlit stories about the environment.

Milestone 4:  For this milestone we connected our letter to the commonlit stories.

Milestone 5:  For this milestone we finished our letter and sent it through the mail.

Milestone 6:  For this milestone we made the blog post which I am doing right now.

I learned a lot about how we are destroying the environment, and how to help stop it.


Here is a picture of the finished project being mailed

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and have a great day.

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