Loon lake

So, if you are in PLP, if you are a PLP teacher, or if you have been reading my blogs, you would know that about a year ago, PLP went to Loon Lake. Well we went a second time, and this time was surprisingly different. There are a few things that I will leave out of this post, because “what happens in Loon Lake stays in Loon Lake.” This was the longest trip we have done so far, and it was pretty interesting. The main difference between this trip to the lake, and the last one, is that in this trip, it was a leadership class, with a lot of team building in it. It was led by Jono, who I is a leadership teacher. Jono had a finite plan for us, and I think he executed it well. We did low ropes, high ropes, trust falls, and rock climbing, not necessarily in that order.

I took photos during the trip, but my camera wasn’t that good.

We had these activities inside of the Panabode that involved the workbook, and these activities seemed kind of like things to burn time, but closer to the end of the project we started to realize that Jono was trying to guide us to an overarching goal of trust and acceptance, which I am actually not allowed to share, due to what’s happened in Loon Lake stays there. What I can tell you about though, is what I learned from the experience. I trusted my peers much more by the end of the trip, and I was more open with my peers. This entire trip was a big learning experience, and even though it was a leadership class, I felt I learned to trust others much more than I did before this trip. The trip was a bit of a emotional rollercoaster, but I quite liked it, and I learned a lot from it.

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