Rocco Perri

Usually when having to do a school project I do it but I don’t usually enjoy it. This time is one of the few I enjoyed. I actually enjoy learning about the mafia. At the beginning of this project I actually didn’t know Canada had “Rum Runners” and bootleggers and it was cool learning about this.


To start this off like always I started with a script the script is always the hardest part for me, and this one was especially had because I couldn’t really find any information of the internet so I had to watch a view videos about bootlegging in Canada and once someone said the king of bootlegging I was instantly hooked. After the script was made and I had the filming was done it was a little boring to be honest so I made the intro and with the dramatic music in the back I think this is a great small story about the king of bootlegging Rocco Perri.