Helmut Lemke

Tapfer zu sagen, die am wenigsten. On March 2nd the PLP class had the privilege of a German WWII veteran coming into our class room and like the German words at the top of the page say;brave to say the least. Helmut was drafted into the end of the war and was put to fight at a young age. If being in the from line wasn’t enough he was also taken as a war prisoner. This to me was all cool but sad at the same time.  All this never got to Helmut, when he was with are class he talked about how he didn’t want to kill. how wars were between governments and he people that were trying to kill him were no different then those people.


Me and my classmate Matthew S 

got together to make a podcast about all the attributes Helmut showed during the war.




The best things I’ve learned from PLP have definitely not been the facts or how to get the facts by search things up it would be the mindset behind things. I know in this last year even from summer to now even I’ve developed a better growth mindset towards things. Show pic of wing Wednesday and then di and show blue sky. This is definitely and improvement of how I start the blog post. I kinda used the philosophy of if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it and that’s exactly what I did.