Julius Caesar – Play|Aftermath

A while back all of the PLP class did different plays based on different scenes of the famous Julius Caesar play. Except the only difference of the play, was that we put a modern twist on it so it was like present life now. We all did great plays and I thought it was a wonderful experience, we came up with our own scenarios, costumes and script.  My groups play was based on act 2 scene 3 of the Julius Caesar play and was modernized into a classroom president election Sofia and I were both main characters and acted as Brad and Ana, the two competitors for the election, we had similar things to the actual play, such as when Brutus “Brad” killed the class pet or hamster, and Antony “Ana” pointed that out to make the kids of the school sad and vote for her. Overall the play was wonderful, and I hope I get an experience like that again.

Here are some pictures of the play:

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Me as my character “Brad”

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