Hi, this blog post is going to be kind of similar o my M-pol post but this one is at the end of the year and has a different driving question.


Before I started to work on my T-Pols I decided to look back at my goal moving forward from my M-Pols, “to procrastinate less and to continue to be open to learning.” I said I was going to achieve this by “committing time to getting things done and take my time doing it and not rushing through it. I’ve learned a lot about time blocking and I find it very helpful. I made this goal in December and I haven’t achieved it yet but I will continue working on it.” I have found that I have succeeded in becoming more open to learning and having more of a growth mindset but I need to keep working on procrastinating less. I will accomplish that by looking ahead to when things are due and then working backwards to see when I can work on it and how much time I have to work on it.




I have learned many new things this year. Colonization, Shakespeare, light, dissection, algebra and linear equations and blue sky. I have learned through all of this that I struggle with writing paragraphs and putting my thoughts on paper, or in this case an iPad. My family and I have learned this together and are trying to work together to find the best way to help me with this. After many conversations we have decided to try tutoring and LAC. A good thing about LAC is that if you take it in high school it can be offered to you in post secondary if you need more help.




Way back in grades 6 and 7 I thought that high school was going to be scary. I thought about people being shoved in lockers, being the shortest, being pushed around in the halls and trampled. But after doing the 7 11 program I found that useful to connect with those students that have been through high school and how they could tell us their experiences. I found that took off a lot of stress. Then once I got to high school and figured out my schedule I found it smooth sailing and all the things I was scared of never happened other than common traffic in the halls. Now I actually prefer high school compared to elementary school.




I think that the biggest that I have discovered this year is my work ethic. In DI we had to work in teams, at the beginning I found it really hard with everyone figuring out what to do and figuring out ideas. But once I got every one to sit and listen, figure out who does what and what to do we got it under control. Another example of me working well in a team is just recently with blue sky. Sadly we didn’t get to know or meet with our groups until around 3 days before the exhibition, so our group was kind of panicking about getting our mural done and all the decorations. But in the end our group was one of the best.



Thank you so much for listening and I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts.