
Hello friends welcome back to my blog! I haven’t posted in a while but here’s what I’ve been doing lately. I just finished a project about the timeless themes of Macbeth, the Shakespeare play. This project was a bit of a roller coaster for me so let me tell you about my experience.

The first thing we did for this project was learn about the movie Avatar, now that might sound a bit weird but I promise it fits into the project. I mentioned before that we were finding timeless themes of Macbeth and what better way to do than than compare a play written by Shakespeare to a very popular modern day blockbuster that a sequel is coming out for, so we spent a couple day taking notes and learning about avatar. We did not spend a lot of time on that though because the main focus for the project is Macbeth, my class and I spent a couple weeks reading the play script and watching many different modern adaptations of Macbeth.

As we were watching and reading about Macbeth we were also looking at themes throughout the play. We had to be able to identify and understand the themes throughout so that we could present them ourselves. We did a couple little tests on identifying and understanding themes to make sure we were actually learning.

After learning as much as we could about the play we finally learned what we were actually going to be creating for the final product. Each person in my class was to pick a different scene from Macbeth and create a modern adaptation of the scene but keep Shakespeares language. When I heard this I freaked out a little because, I get stressed when it comes to presenting which is kind of weird because I actually like acting and performing. But there wasn’t really anything I could do about presenting so I tried to push through the nerves and started thinking about what scene I wanted to adapt for a modern audience, I chose to perform act 3 scene 4 if you want you can read my script. In my opinion one of the hardest parts of this project was coming up with a theme for my scene and making sure that theme was timeless enough for it to be in Avatar as well. I came up with a general theme that fit with my scene, appearance vs reality. After everyone had a general theme my class came up with 3 theme groups and sorted ourselves into those groups, my group was appearances can deceive us from reality.

The last and scariest step for me on this project was mesmerizing the lines and actually performing. This was a very interesting experience for me because as you might remember earlier I said I like acting and performing but this performance was a bit different, because usually when I’m nervous that I’ll mess up I rely on the fact that I can improv my way through it. Unfortunately I have not yet developed the skill of improving in Shakespearian so I was trying hard to memorize the lines as much as I could in the few days that I had. As if I didn’t think that was enough for me to handle I had the brilliant idea to volunteer to introduce my theme group , the first group to perform, so I had to come up with how I was going to do that and remember all my lines.

Over all I am glad I did do the performance because it was an interesting experience and gave me another opportunity to practice my presentation and public speaking skills, which are very important even if it scares me to death. In the future I would like remember the feeling after the performance because it felt like I accomplished something amazing, I hope that that feeling will help me improve myself and my work next time I do something similar. thanks for the read🧡

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