My Growth Mindset taught me how to start having a growth mindset and stop getting fixed mindset when struggling to solve a problem. In the past I have struggled with keeping positive. When we first started our journal I was skeptical if this journal would actually teach me how to improve my life. However, by the end of the journal I learned life skills that I hope will help me through both high school and collage. Overall, my Growth Mindset journal taught me how to unlock the potential to grow as a person. 

I think for the journal I did amazing on explaining my was explaining my behaviours. This can be seen in my explanation for my fixed mindset and what I’m willing to do to make this change. I tried to self reflect on the question asks when I was doing tasks that didn’t require any thinking in order to write down meaningful answers. Reflection will help me when I’m older to make sense of situation that I find stressful and challenging 

I think there is always aspects of yourself you can improve or work everyday to be better at the certain subject. One thing I should of improved was having  a better work schedule when coming to the journal. This was shown on how I quickly finish most of my weekly work on last minute. I can try to in the future to try to form a schedule of when I should work on my daily work like chores or practicing music. Hopefully in the future I will perfect the art of getting my work done well before the due date.


The next part of this assignment was making a quote for a goal that we need to achieve with a poster made from Canva. The most difficult part of this assignment for me was finding the correct quote. I wanted to work on my fear a failure since it has caused me to not try my hardest. My main issue when making a quote is that I made most my quotes a paragraph long and didn’t explain what steps I would take to achieve this goal. Once I was able to confirm my quote I quickly created a poster for my quote. The water colour splashes in on my poster represent how its okay to make mistakes and it helps you become a better person. For editing my face into the poster I used Procreate in order to blend it in into my poster. I’m very glad I was able to finally finish this part of project.

This journal was at time tiring however, taught me what I need to do to improve myself. I hope in the future we do another project like this one that makes me question myself. Even though it took a great deal of effort and hard work to finally complete this project, I’m feel grateful to be given this chance to find out what I need to work on in the future.