Destination Imagination Reflection


Destination Imagination was an amazing experience and I’m ecstatic to share my experience with the class. I was in the technical challenge, my team, The Troublesome Tech Team, consisted of six member including myself that had to solve a challenge. Our challenge was create a five minute video that included a technical special ability and ultimate quest item that can be created by combining three items using tectonic methods. Additionally, the video had to have elements of a video game and we had to include two elements of our choice. Destination Imagination has taught me to push to my farthest limits.

Stage 1:

Stage one was the stage where we were trying to understand what needed to get done. We started by highlighting the check book for our challenge and figuring out our what wasn’t allowed in our challenge and what element we needed to add to our challenge. Additionally, we each wrote sixteen ideas  for elements of our story and discussed each of our idea around our table group. I think in this stage of the project we could of improved picking a solid storyline. Since we didn’t have a clear idea of the story in the early stages it caused our group I believe to be somewhat behind the other groups. However, I think we did amazing on finishing the assignments for stage one efficiently and in an organized way. Overall, stage one was my first impression of how Destination Imagination works.

Stage 2:

Stage two was making a few storyline idea and working on having a further understanding of the rules of this challenge. Our two storyline idea were, a story about an A,I escaping his computer and a story involving time travel. Additionally, we made our Deliverable Requirements Worksheet that labeled for us what we needed and what we could control about this element, One thing from this stage I think we could improve on in the future is our team work skills. I think we should of discussed our ideas and objection to others idea in a more peaceful and diplomatic way. However, I think we did amazing with coming up with creative ideas and thinking about how we could reach the limits for this project. Overall, this stage taught me how to plan and organize.

Stage 3:

Stage three is when we start creating the actually main elements of our project. We decided our story will be about an A.I who wants to escape his computer to the real world. Our tool, was a lego structured that used needles in order to move itself. Additionally we were able to create a Script and decide who would be in charge of what job in the presentation. We brought scrubs for the people playing the scientists who work on the A.I and one of group members created a piece of art for a the backdrop. I think we did amazing on creating an engaging story and amazing tool for destination imagination. However, I think we could of improved on getting our work done quicker. Overall this stage is when we got most of our work finished.


The filming was the trickiest part of destination imagination. This is due to how unprepared we were for this part of the project. We finished last minute the music, animation, editing and the deciding the place in which we were going to film. Next time, I will try to organized better deadlines for each group member. I think we did amazing during our last days of filming with getting the project done as best as we could.

Thoughts on after the project:

Fun learning: Explore STEM/STEAM concepts in a hands-on environment:

I think that in our project we could do more hand-on-hand work. We only had a few props that we used that were actually hand-made. In the beginning we had planned to create more costumes and props for the final video however, abandoned the idea due to not having enough time. In the next challenge I will try to better plan out the deadline to certain activities.

Kid powered; team driven: Energize students to own all decisions, creations, and results:

I believe we have somewhat met this competence. At the start of the project we made a great deal of great decisions and organized our work well. We additionally, created many fun and creative ideas however, I think we had a difficult time making those ideas into a reality. Next time, I will try to create a plan in order to make those ideas happen.

Global diversity: Encourage and celebrate differences in each other, and differences in ideas:

I believe we did an decent job at this part of DI. Most of the ideas that we created were discussed in order to find out if it was a good fit for the challenge we were creating. The ideas we made I think caused our final video to be extremely creative. I hope I can try to create more creative ideas in the next DI


Destination Imagination taught me about myself. My limits in the fields of leadership and creativity. Next year, I hope that I will be able to better organize, have better skills in mediating for the group and finish work for the group at the deadline. However, I’m generally happy with how our video turned out in the end, I believe even though rushed included took a great deal creativity and effort in order to be able to create the final product. Overall, Destination Imagination was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again next year.