
The exhibition taught me how to present mine and the work of others to a large audience. This spring exhibition was the first ever exhibition I participated in and taught me how to host an event.  The specific part of the exhibition At the start of the exhibition I was nervous about how I would plan it. However, by the end of the project I think I overall, did an okay job at creating my part of the exhibition. 

Planning the Exhibition 

Planning the exhibition was one of the most stressful experiences I faced. For the exhibition we were given our humanities time and around half of our Maker time to work on the exhibition. In our smaller groups I think we had excellent team work and made a mind map that had a great deal of potentially good ideas. 

However, once we merged with the other group, I found it harder to share my ideas. Even though it harder for me to share my ideas, I don’t think we would been able to pull off if we didn’t have those certain people in those group. My main part in planning was creating a map. I ended created multiple drafts with the map and at the final draft I partnered with Teva. In this map we included the roles of all grade 8s and grade 9s. If I were going to do this project again I would make sure to have better communication with the grade 8s in order to get what we wanted get done faster. 

Preparing the props 

Preparing the props was difficult but, arguable one of the funnest parts of the project. I think for the props we did an amazing job at creating the certain and including everyones work in the project. Additionally, I’m surprised with how similar our rooms looks like to our final map.

The day of the Exhibition 

I believe both many things went well on the exhibition and many things went wrong. I feel I did an amazing at being a greeter and directing people on where to go. However, I feel they’re many questions foods and liquids at this party. I honestly was scared to eat nothing due to fear of puking. Also, some people left for break and never came back or came back way later than 10 minutes, which irked me due to the effort that was put into the presentation.


This project was stressful but, key to me growing in my collaboration. I feel as if it helped my better communicate with my fellow peers and with people from a grade younger than me. Overall, this project made me be able to deal with stress and have confidence in the setting of group projects.