How has William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet remained relevant to contemporary storytelling?


Romeo and Juliet project help me increase my critical thinking skills and my analysis skills. Before this project I had little knowledge of the story of Romeo and Juliet. However, I really wanted to know more about the book since I knew it was one of the most important books in English literature. Overall, this project taught me the themes that of Romeo and Juliet that are still used today. 

The theme book:

This theme book shows all my understanding of the text. In this theme book we detailed the themes present in each act of Romeo and Juliet and their connections to adaptations of Romeo and Juliet we watched in class and outside of class. This part of the project I would say is my favourite due to how it mostly involved analyzing the text. For this part of the project I believe I could of greatly improved how on my grammar and wording. I only spent 5 minutes looking at the grammar before handing the assignment in which made the wording very confusing and hard to read. However, I think I did a wonderful job at explaining the themes of the book in a though provoking and detail way. Overall, this part of the project helped my to understand how much Romeo and Juliet affect the media today.

The film:

Creating the film was the most difficult part of the project. This was mostly due to in my opinion not getting enough time to make a film however, I understand why that was the case. For this part of the project, we had to choose a scenes in Romeo and Juliet and recreating with out own spin to it. I was in a group with Candela, Cooper, Sepaus and Ben. My group chose the Mecrutio and Tybalt fight scene. I believe what I could of done better in this was contributing more in group discussion. However, what I think I did decent at for this part of the project was creating a storyboard in order to get an idea of what we were going to film. Overall, I think that this assignment showed me what I needed to work on in the future. 

Core Competence: 

Questioning: I can share ideas, ask questions, and research information from a variety of sources

I believe that I have met this particular competence. This is due to mostly the work that I did on my theme book and just reading the book Romeo and Juliet. When reading the book I wrote many notes for myself in order to understand Shakespearean language used also to highlight the ideas shown in the text. I than discussed these ideas with group member and even before school I would think on what the character’s motivations were in certain scenes. Overall, I think this project help me to strengthen my ability to question sources and analyze.


Romeo and Juliet has gone down to affect media in a profound way. Many of the tropes that we see in movies today were either used or are from Romeo and Juliet. This shows us the profound impact Romeo and Juliet had on time and still has today. In general, Romeo and Juliet is a book that affected both comedy, tragedies and romances, even today.