How to Spot a Witch

You’re probably pretty confused at the title, or you’re actually wondering how to spot a witch. Well stick around and you might find out.

Lately in PLP we have been reading act 1 of a four act play called The Crucible. It’s set in Salem Massachusetts in the 1690’s but written by Arthur Miller in the 1950’s. It’s main idea is about the Salem Witch Trials, the largest and deadliest witch hunt in America’s history. We are reading this play in class, and it gets pretty interesting, in many different ways.

As we read, for two more Friday’s from now on, we will be doing a “Creative Crucible Blog Post” from a list of ten prompts given to us. We need to take these prompts and write about how it relates to us, and then have a creative product that goes with it that we made ourselves. Our prompt was as follows:

Read “How to Spot a Witch”. Write a paper or create something similar to this essay on how to spot a _________. You fill in the blank: example: How to Spot a Liar. How to Spot a Surfer. Etc.”

I teamed up with Simon and Calum, and we made a short video on “How to Spot a Mountain Biker”. Here it is below:

I had a lot of fun making this video. I enjoyed it because mountain biking is something I love doing, and filmmaking is another hobby of mine. This video was supposed to be short and sweet while explaining some common factors and characteristics that mountain bikers share. This relates to the Crucible because in the play, many people are accused of witchcraft, and need to be tried to see if they truly are witches. And if they are, they are hanged. This video is a little different, but it’s supposed to be.

We also took a few behind the scenes photos of while we were filming, using our atypical filming strategy of Simon on my handlebars holding the massive camera stabilizer. Have a look:


We were worried about bad lighting as winter just started and it’s really dark at like 5:30 already, but we managed to film the shots we needed before the sun went down.

Thats all for today, I look forward to making more creative posts like this one in the future.

See you.

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