Thought 48: Atomic Habits ⚛️

Thought 48: Atomic Habits ⚛️ How does balance in my life create opportunity? Our first project of PGP (Personal Growth Plan) 10 is almost an extension of one of our projects in Maker 9. Around the end of Maker 9, we read the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, and this is probably the […]

Thought 47: Romeo and Juliet 🎭

Thought 47: Romeo and Juliet 🎭 Sepaus, Sepaus, where art thou blog post? ‘Tis here. For this Humanities project, we took a look at the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet. We had a very short time to do this project, so we started right away by spending a week reading through the play. We read […]

mPOL 2023

mPOL 2023 It’s time again for my midterm presentation of learning. In this post, I am going to detail my experience with PLP 10 so far. I will discuss my strengths, weaknesses, highlights, FAILs, and more. Coming in from the summer, I was motivated. I had a very good year for learning last year, and […]

Thought 44: Gold Digger ⛏️

Thought 44: Gold Digger ⛏️ How did the discovery of gold shape our province and its people? “Wake up. Its the first of the month.” – Jordan Carter If you couldn’t tell from the quote above, this is the first blog post of PLP 10. For our first project of the year, we picked things […]

Thought 43: Time is Money 💵

Thought 43: Time is Money 💵 How can we predict our finances for the future? My last blog post of PLP 9 is about our last Scimatics project, Time is Money. For this project, we created small businesses, sold a product of service, and used linear functions to calculate our future profits. For my small […]

Thought 42: 2022 Spring Exhibition

Thought 42: 2022 Spring Exhibition How do we make deeper connections beyond our classroom? The final demonstration of our learning was at the annual Spring Exhibition. The Spring Exhibition takes place at the end of every year where PLP students take control of the whole school to demonstrate our learning through interactive experiences, food and […]

tPols 2022

TPOLS 2022 Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade? In this presentation of learning, I will be demonstrating my learning over the last year. I will be exhibiting my growth and why I am ready for PLP 10. In this blog post, I will be recapping my school year, […]