Volunteers Needed (North Vancouver District Library)

Hudson’s Bay National Hiring Fair

Biotechnology Career Awareness Program (BCIT 2017)


An opportunity for a student to do scientific research in the area of Biotechnology and explore careers in this area.

Once again BCIT is offering their BioTechnology Career Awareness Program in December or April for students in grade 11 or grade 12.  If you are enthusiastic about scientific research, lab work and our interested about careers related to biotechnology. The program will provide bus transportation (when applicable) between the laboratory and the industry site.

If you are interested in this amazing opportunity, please see Ms. Parmar ASAP for more information.

Limited spots!


RCMP National Youth Advisory Committee

The RCMP is looking for youth between the ages 13 and 18 to join the RCMP National Youth Advisory Committee.

The goal of the Committee is to engage youth by providing them with the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions on youth crime and victimization issues with Canada’s federal police agency and other youth from across the country.  The Committee will have an active role in shaping what the RCMP offers young people by:

  • identifying issues affecting youth;
  • addressing community concerns; and,
  • designing initiatives to foster change and address their needs.

As a Committee member, youth can:

  • represent their community;
  • voice their opinions about issues affecting youth in their communities;
  • work with youth from other provinces and territories;
  • receive a reference letter or an attestation of volunteer hours; and,
  • discover their potential!

If you are interested in this amazing opportunity, please see Ms. Parmar for application. Deadline for application is September 27th, 2017.

Lions Gate Hospital Foundation

Lions Gate Hospital Foundation is seeking outgoing North Shore residents between the ages of 16-22
to join our Youth Advisory Committee

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