Zooming to the rescue



Hello, my name is Simon. The topic today is my latest embarrassments during a di tournaments. To learn more about di tournaments, pls visit this link. My team took part in the improv challenge. Obviously we didn’t do this in person, thanks to the epidemic (and the fact that one of my teammates has been in contact with the virus.) My team took part in the improv challenge, which means no props. This was great because all our supplies were at school and we can’t do this in person and this all happened over an app called zoom. Zoom is way better then Skype in my opinion, thanks to the fact that the FPS rate is much higher and has better ways of enabling meetings. One of the big goals for our team was to improve the usage of our soundbox, a box of instruments used to enhance the story. Before spring break we practiced a lot with the soundbox during our DI classes and definitely improved. Sound is hard to use over zoom but we tried our best. In prep for the online tournament we had around four meetings and tried to figure out how this would work over the wave lengths. A common theme that showed up during our rehearsals was online classes, which really played well into ou current situation.


During our first tournament the roles weren’t very equal and some had more responsibility then others. This changed dramatically and in our last tournament we all had much more even roles. I think this online factor pushed us to our limit and challenged our teamwork in an awesome way.