Is The End of Our World!😱

Hello internet, just this week my class finished a project called is the end of our world. During this project I learned how to use GarageBand more efficiently. For this project the driving question was: Who or what has challenged your worldview from the transition from elementary to high school?  to answer the question our teacher a hit song from the 90s Is the End if My World as I Know It by R.E.M. and our teacher create a lyric templelt for us to field in to make or own lyrics.

To get ideas for our lyrics we created a MindNode bassed on our worldview using the 7 aspeccts of worldview. On the MindNode we had to write the expectation of high school which some ture out to be the opposite. here is a link to my MindNode. moving on to the next big milestone – milestone three – where we record our songs. I had a bit of diffricuties keeping up with the song’s tempo since my lyrics are quite squeezed in together. Some thing I would improve next time is definitely to count the syllabus of the word before writing them down. Here is a video for my individual song.

I know is kind of bad but luckily when we are doing the peer critique we could chose the persons we are comfortable to let them listen to you song, and of course, I choose one of my best friends- Annie! The very next day we were assigned to our groups, I was in a group with Ryan and Nya, go check out their blog and recent posts, we mixed up our lyrics together and we put our best parts into the song. We also had to have photos of us in grade 7 to grade 8/now here the video.

Now, this:

Create: What literacy skills am I using to write, speak, and represent in the texts I create? 

Cause and Consequence: Who or what influenced events to occur and what were the consequences of those events?

was our curriculum competencies! Which was pretty mind blowing.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon.

DI regionals – It’ll Be Over in A FLASH📸

Hello internet, about two weeks ago, on an sunny yet chilly Saturday, the DI regionals is held in Seycove! I was so excited but also very nervous at the same time. Finally is 2:20pm, my group’s challenge time, after a ton of rehearsals we are ready to go, but still very nervous. 8 minutes later, the challenge is done and it surprisingly went… well! Our classmates loved it our teacher loved it, it went smoothly except that the flag didn’t really stand when we’re presenting.

Any ways, going back 1 month, was when we first met our groups and we know what categories we were assigned in. I was in Fine Arts – picture this! – with four other people – Erin, Logan, Dries, and Josh, check out their blog and their most recent posts! – one of the important thing our group first did was identifying and understanding the Challenge requirements as outlined in our challenge document, I was the DRI of the time choice elements which one of the most important part our presentation later. Right after we finished our first milestone for this project the teachers assigned the next, milestone two, where we map out a plan for the challenge and where we find a picture for our solution. Here is a picture of it!

To move on faster, we started milestone three, where we assign roles and responsibilities to each other, I was the DRI of the team choice element 1, we fist decided that a rocket was a good idea which later at the regionals we notice that the rocket was too small of a prop to be the team choice element. What hing the other fine arts team present, all of them doesn’t have cool cardboard costumes like our team so we decided that our team choice element is coming to be our costumes. Last but not least, milestone four! Milestone four is where we plan out the time of how long it will take us to do something. Since Im the DRI of the rocket (because we didn’t know we would be changing the team choice element to our costumes at that point) I planed that it would take us at least 30-60 minutes which it didn’t, the rocket toke us about 20-25 minutes.

Next was building time, I spent 1-3 hours, on average, after school working on our DI stuff. I didn’t have much pictures of us building but here’s some.

On the last Friday, we were so nervous, spent at least an hour on DI after school. The next day our flag wasn’t working, we started to panicking but according to my friends, classmates and teachers we did great! So here is a video of our presentation!

Have a great day, and see you next time!