Smart Goals

So what are smart goals? Well the Internet says that “A S.M.A.R.T. goal is defined as one that is specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time- bound.” I think a smart goal is something you would like to achieve in the near future that relates to what you like or what you do on a daily basis. Our PLP cohort was asked to make three smart goals. The first goal had to be one that relates to your school life such as grades and attitude. The second one had to show your growth as a PLP learner. The last goal had to show your learning or progression outside of school. Experts believe that setting achieveable goals is a great way to live a healthy life. For example you can set a very common goal such as going on runs and working out more. There are two parts to smart goals. There is the goal and then there is the way you plan to achieve it. A smart goal could be that “I want to lose weight”. In that case I would have to say how I would do it.  For example I would say I should get up and get active by running, walking and working out. This plan would get people one step closer to achieving their goals.

Here are my smart goals and how I plan to achieve them:

Three different smart goals:

I wish to get an average of 89 percent in Science. This will be done by starting to study incrementally before I get word of a test.  I will also ask questions right away if I don’t understand something.

I wish to show more leadership towards leading projects by giving more ideas and taking charge and assigning roles.

I wish to have better stamina in terms of sports. I will do this by going on a run every second day. The run has to be at least 5 km long to achieve my goal. Here is an example of one I did yesterday:

So that is what I think smart goals are, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, realistic, timely, trackable. So now it’s your turn pick three smart goals of your own. It could be anything from exercise to wanting to relax more.



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