The Queen Of Fire

If you have just stumbled upon my PLP blog for the first time I would like to extend a polite hello. My one piece of advice would be get out while you still can. If you are somebody who is used to our blogs –…

Psycho Killers, Qu’est-ce Que c’est

Why do people have a morbid curiosity with serial killers? Is it because their actions are so far from the social norm that we want to have reasoning for their existence? Or is it because humans have always had those dark,dark places tucked away in…

Why You Should Think About Equalism And Not Feminism

What is Equalism? The definition is the belief that all people are equal regardless of their race, religion, or ethnic origin. Now what does that sound like? It sounds a lot like the Equal Rights Amendment fought for in the 1970s by progressive women under…

In The Blink Of An Eye

Memories are a funny thing, you never get to choose which ones you remember in vivid detail or which ones pass by without a trace. But a piece of modern technology has made it so even vague memories can be remembered in detail. The technology…

SLC In Disguise

People say that grade 12 isn’t that bad. But from what I’ve heard I’d disagree. You have an English Exam, university applications, and grad trans. Not to mention the sinking feeling of thinking about your post grad life. But what ever it is, good or…

Your Welcome. Oh Wait, Sorry.

“What does Canada mean to me?” It’s a difficult question. Most of the time we just think of it as a place we live and never really give it more thought. But it’s more than that and that’s what I’ll be exploring in my video….

Bard In The Cove

So this project didn’t go very well. That’s the reality of it, and that’s what we as a class have to live with. I am going to attempt to dissect how we actually failed so completely yet still learned some valuable things. But even though…

What would you have done in his shoes?

I’ve watched many WWII movies over my life. From dramatic retelling like Hacksaw Ridge, to completely fictionalized stories like Inglorious Bastards . But when you hear an actual word for word account of what happened from the person who experienced said stories it sticks with…

Welcome to my PLC SLP! No, wait? Uh you know what I mean.

You can’t help but feel a sense of dread looming over you as the gloomy skies piercing gaze sends shivers down your spine. It’s a normal day so you have no reason to feel this was but you can’t seem to shake it off. Walking through…