Goodbye DI

This years Destination imagination Provincials was another success yet again. I will quickly recap on my teams journey throughout this years DI experience. Watch our Provincials performance below: 



My team members Kiera, Anika, Niklas, Emerson and myself completed our challenge “Monster Effects” with a second place. However it took lots of planning, building, drawing, sewing, glueing and practice to get there. We had to revise many parts of our challenge solution after our regionals performance because of things that didn’t work and didn’t go as smoothly as we’d hoped. 



Triggering the special effect was by far the greatest challenge. Our team was ready to give up, however we kept on thinking until we got an idea! Even thought our automatic trigger for the special effect wasn’t completely successful the day of regionals and provincials our team revised and planned and never gave up. Creating a successfully working special effect for provincials was our biggest goal and it may not have exactly worked the day of provincials but our team still never gave up. 



Some of the biggest things I have learned during DI were to always keep trying to find a way. Our team definitely struggled with the special effect aspect of our challenge. This was something my team and I kept having to fix and revise. 

Even thought our team had some ups and downs, we did make a great team. We learned from each other and helped each other to create an awesome performance and develop amazing group skills.



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