FINAL learning post

In the project “the medium is the message”, 8the driving question was: how does what we see, hear, and read influence us. The answer to this question is that it influences us by delivering a message to us, the audience, through any medium, wether its social media, a blog, or even a paper. 

I learned this through a progression through many projects, which aren’t mentioned here. The first one , though, I will talk about.


This is a link to the first thing I did this project, in which we were tasked with analyzing a commercial by Apple, called Welcome Home. this milestone practiced comprehending texts. Over time, we did many activities that were very similar to this. One was about a book called The Gospel According To Larry. This is a book about the influence of media and message on an audience (sound familiar?). We did sheets about the book everybody week for a while until we finished the book. All of the activities we did focused on an individual competency, like taking historical perspective, practiced by milestones 2 and 3, or designing texts, innovative designer, and creative communicator. Finally, we finished our advertisements for a business, and gave them to the business.

Throughout this project, each piece of progress was defined by the competency it assessed. These were rated by weather, a ☁️ being the worst, and a 🌈 being the best. In all of the projects, except one, I got a ☀️, the symbol below the rainbow. I think that I now know how what I see, hear. And read influences me and others

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