Emoji Story!

Hello, and welcome. Today is the 7th day of the Student Blogging Challenge 2021, and the last day isn’t even based on words. No, it is based on a random emoji generator! So here is the story:

πŸš‰ Everyday, the train would do what it has done for 46 years; go between two stations.

😡 but one day, a passenger boards the train illegally to escape the police.

🚦 because of that, the train locked all of its doors and stopped moving.

🐨 because of that, the koala onboard was actually helping the crook!

🏁 because of that, the train goes as fast as he can to the next station

πŸ” until finally, the police arrest the koala and criminal.

The End

I hope you enjoyed my story, and until then, see you next time!